10 Dynamic Pieces of Advice for the Newly Engaged
Good morning, Icons,
Hopefully everything is going well this week for you in life, love, marriage and family.
We send a blessing to you so that you can have the Iconic marriage you desire.
It is our prayer/wish that we build up a new generation that exudes awesome stewardship in wholesome marriages.
We all who are married had to learn how to do things to keep our marriage going.
Newly engaged couples are just beginning a new journey and we at Iconic want to help those of you to get the tools for the long-haul.
I posed this question to Icons on my Twitter feed:
And you answered! Let us discuss. IF you agree or disagree, click the button below or scroll to the bottom to add your insight so we can continue the conversation.
10 Dynamic Pieces of Advice for the Newly Engaged
Advice #1: Choose being right or Being Happy.

Both of these will not work. You have to understand that you are a team and being happy can mean losing an argument or compromising. The goal is to win at life not to win invisible brownie points that can create resentment and pain.
Advice #2: Make Time.

You will need time for self-care, hobbies and development, make it. Then make time for couple’s date nights so you can keep the same energy you had while you were courting. Service is a love language that goes a long way to show just how much the other means to you.
Advice #3: Be real.

The day-to-day stuff is what makes or breaks a relationship not the once-a-year vacations or holiday gifts. Frustrations come when you are fake because over time the real you will come out. Being authentic lets them see what they real have, and that the marriage is real. If you don’t want to do dishes, say that and work out something that will stand the test of time.
“I don't want to be married just to be married. I can't think of anything lonelier than spending the rest of my life with someone I can't talk to, or worse, someone I can't be silent with.”
― Mary Ann Shaffer, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
Advice #4: Choose Love.

People tend to blame others for how they feel. But emotions are choices unless you have a mental illness. If no illness is there, then you can choose to love someone even when they bother you, you can choose love even when you aren’t really liking them. You can always choose to love every moment through good or bad.
Advice #5: Communication.

Communication is such an important skill to master that I will be developing courses soon to help each of you do just that. My husband is from Georgia, and I am from Maryland. We are so different and had to learn how to say what we meant in a loving and understand way that got through to the other. Mastery of communication can save a marriage.
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Advice #6: Privacy

Social media has gotten people in the habit of oversharing everything. What people don’t know cannot hurt them. Keep your business private and more people out of it keeps it special and safe. We aren’t talking about in abuse or bad areas. But overall, your business is your business.
Advice #7: Set Boundaries.

What you are willing to tolerate and what you are not are very important early on, so you set the expectations in your relationship. They know what you will get upset about or be happy about and make anticipation. People are not mind readers. Make your needs known and then work towards them.
“The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they're right if you love to be with them all the time.” —Julia Child
Advice #8: Be Patient.
Patience is a virtue and has been mentioned before. It is so important because things come up and things happen. When you are calm and ready the two of you can handle anything. And bigger issues sometimes become smaller.
Advice #9: Put them First.

The new family is the one you two created. It is your duty to do right by them firstly, your extended family will be okay. They do not get a say in your household. Advice is nice but take it with a grain of salt especially if you want to do things different. Toxic people need to be cut of but don’t forgo wisdom from elders when you can.
Advice #10: Be Nice.
Sometimes we forget through the busy life that our spouses are to be treated with honor and respect. How we talk, act and live with them should come from a place of kindness. Being nice means making sure that the way we do things is from the heart and to keep the peace in truth and love.
You can have an Iconic marriage
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