10 Fun Family Game Night Activities
Iconic Media is the number 1 hub for Marriage and Empowerment
Good Friday morning, Icons,
I hope you are on your way to all of your March 2023 goals in life, love, family and marriage.
We are finishing up another week that we are adding more for you.
Thank you for being a part of this work. We could not do this without you.
Making time to have fun with your spouse and kids will keep you having the Iconic marriage that lasts a lifetime.
Out of Ideas? We got you in today’s newsletter. Let us jump right in.
10 Fun Family Game Night Activities
Whether Dominoes, Spades or more, Family Game Night Activities are a way to bond with your loved ones, unless you lose, and enjoy the fun of actively participating in a laughter, angers, strategy and just a good ole time.
So, I asked you on Twitter and Answered:
Game #1 Exploding Kittens
Exploding Kittens is a card game with lots of fun and simple rules for the whole team. It is not a nice game but has strategy and twists too. Here is a YouTube video laying out more details.
Some Icons have never heard of it. Let me introduce you to a fun time. You can but this at Walmart and it isn’t that expensive.
Game #2 Jumanji
First off, RIP Robin Williams. If you saw the first movie, you know why this game is scary. It is a wild ride with ups and downs and Elephants running through a house. New movies have hilarious comedy with Kevin Hart and the “Rock” trapped inside a video game.
But playing it for real is still scary to me. If you are brave, here is another video.
Game #3 The Card Game Palace
We are used to the card games Poker, Spades and more. This is one suggested by an Icon to play. The object of the game is to be the first player with no cards, kinda like Uno.
Here is the video so you can learn. Enjoy.
Game #4: Qwixx
This is another card game but NOT with the standard 52 deck like Uno or Phase 10.
In the box there is dice and boards. This is a 2-5 player games that is under about 15 minutes.
There are colors and instructions with variations with joker cards you can or cannot use. It is up to you.
More instructions below:
Game #5 Uno
Do you play by the legal instructions or made-up rules by your family and friends? Either way Uno is a cheap game for a whole fun of shenanigans. There are different versions and some online/mobile ones too. But playing old school Uno is a fun time.
You have color cards with numbers or symbols on them. Your goal is to have no cards at the end but do not forget to say “Uno” when you are down to your last card.
New Uno lets you write on the cards and has even become a meme of itself.
There is even now a Dos if you are searching for more games for your family.
Uno can get heated, and you might lose friends. You were warned.
Game #6 Dominoes
Another game that can start a fight is Dominoes. If you don’t know how to play, learn first before you sit down or get in trouble. I have seen someone flip a table.
Yes, it gets that heated.
Dominoes is a game that consists of special tiles with dots (pips) on them. The goal is to get numbers of five but add the sides that are pointing out around the grid you are making.
You can only connect similar number to similar number. I know, I just made it sound confusing. Here is an article to get you started: 3 Ways to Play Dominoes - wikiHow
Once a player has laid down all the tiles in their hand, that particular round is over. Keep score on a piece of paper; have each player with tiles left in their hand add up the total number of pips.
Pay close attention to the strategy and tips so you don’t get slaughter out in the dominoes streets.
Game #7 Taco, Cat, Goat Cheese, Pizza
This card game has a weird name. But it is loads of fun. The rules:
How to Play Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza: Card Game Rules (wikihow.com)
Shuffle Cards
Deal all Cards Evenly to all 2-5 players
Set your own cards in a face down stack in front of you
Flip over the top card of your pile and put it in the middle of the table
Say the word in the sequence: Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza
Slap the play card if you see the same card the matches the word
If you are first to last or not at all, take the cards
Special cards have special things you must do before you slap them
Goal: To play all the cards in your own draw pile
Win: Be first to slap a card correctly with no more cards in your draw pile.
Watch this video of people playing live:
Game #8: Apples to Apples

You be the judge and see how well you know each other. Apples to Apples is a milder Cards Against Humanity but the ideas are the same, to come up with funny word combination with some cards and have fun.
Apples to Apples and the junior version is great for kids and adults alike.
The rules seem complex but when you get started it is a fun time.
Game #9 Celestia

A game where you go from floating island to floating island to get treasure. You must build the airship and every player up to 6 players get a color disks. Each island has a disk and a deck of cards. As you move to islands, each treasure is more valuable.
Click the link above to learn how to play this “Push Your luck” game. Get your 50 points of treasure and be safe!
Game #10 Taboo
This is a team game that the goal is to get your own teammates to guess the word you are describing kind of like charades without the acting.
You have cards with words, teams and timer. As you play you want to have creative clues and you pass if a word stump you.
This is the kind of game like Uno that has house rules, and I am all for it if everyone agrees.
This is a funny version of comedians playing the game.
We know a lot of games are not on this list. What is missing? What do you like?
Tell us about it so we can have fun times with family and friends.
Have fun trying some of these and more!
Just remember, in everything you do, be Iconic.
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To accomplish these goals, I must first receive the training necessary to build the infrastructure. Cost for my online business development is $15,000 (or $288/week) and will occur over a 12-month time period.
I’ve currently been accepted into Coach Felecia Killings’s award-winning online coaching program called My Beloved Women’s Online Business and Virtual Ministry School. And each week, she provides me the tools I need to create the system of operations, so I manifest my God-given vision.
The Iconic Fundraising Campaign will help offset the tuition costs, and your donation of $10 or more will go directly towards my training.
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Thank you in advance for your ongoing support.
Together, we can rebuild our families by starting at the most local level: our marriages.