10 Things Married Couples Enjoy about Marriage Life Over the Single Life
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Today’s Lesson: 10 Things Married Couples Enjoy about Marriage Life Over the Single Life
Marriage gets disparaged on social media and in entertainment constantly. Husbands are bumbling idiots; wives are nagging nuisances and the kids are a pain.
Marriage looks more like hell and the single life looks like peace.
Being curious, I asked my Twitter Icons:
Users came through and the answers were good ones:
Reason Number 1: Economic Benefits
One of the benefits of being married is the economic benefits. And that helps out many a lot especially in this economy. Having someone that you can help lower your tax burden, share bills with and help buy eggs comes in handy. Many people make harsh choices when they do not have the support. It is okay to have finances on the brain as long as it is not your only reason. You need to build wealth to leave a lasting legacy for your future generations.
“A new survey found that most women enter the elusive 1 percent through marrying a rich spouse.
Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte took a look at the 1995-to-2017 Survey of Consumer Finances reports to examine gender income patterns.”
Marriage is still the main way for women to get rich: study (nypost.com)
Reason Number 2: The Intimacy
William thought people would eye rolls, but there is just something so special about there being one person on Earth that choose you to spend their entire life with, to build with, and to align who you are with. To know that you are half of a complete set, the King and Queen of your castle is unique to marriage and the traditional nuclear family. That intimacy is sacred and definitely something over being single.
Reason Number 3: Sex
For some reason people get coy when talking about sex. But it is a natural reason to get married, it is how we repopulate the Earth. And the Creator was kind enough to make it feel great too. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, women love sex too. I don’t know why people think that only men think about sex. Society just is consumed with the penetration part of heterosexuality when sex starts in the mind for women and in the eyes for men. Nothing wrong with good, reliable sex with someone you are deeply committed too and know that they love you as well.
Reason Number 4: Faithfulness
Knowing that someone is with you for the long-haul and chooses you every day is amazing. That they are loyally, trustworthy and pick you as their number one priority makes for a great thing over being single when you have to only be number 1 to you. Sharing that with someone is better than facing the world alone. Of course, we can do great single, but we can also have help when we find the right person.
Reason Number 5: A For Sure Thing
Divorce is expensive. Dating and being in a cohabitation situation makes it a lot easier to ghost or dip out when ready. Yes, people can leave you at any time but the fact that someone who knows you inside and out stays through all that (your good and bad) is unquestionably a positive of wedded bliss.
“No relationship is all sunshine. But when it rains husband and wife can share an umbrella and survive the storm together.” – Anonymous 150+ Marriage Quotes You Will Love
Reason Number 6: Us against the World
Marriage gives you that dynamic duo, partner in crime feeling. You feel that nothing can come in between the two of you. My husband and I are also veterans from the Army, meeting in our same squad. So not only are we best friends, but we are also “combat buddies” the term similar to the pilot’s wingman. Meaning that in this life we have each other’s back and know that there is someone we can depend on against all others.
“A great marriage consists of keeping promises made to each other when it matters most – when they are put to test.” – Anonymous
Reason Number 7: Everything
It is hard for people who have loved and lost to imagine what an Iconic marriage that is full of success and happiness actually looks like. Single life looks great when compared to a stalled, sad or unfulfilling marriage. I was single at a time with my own money, car and career. Nothing compares to being a wife and mother. And you will have to find the right one to fully get it.
Reason Number 8: A sense of belonging
When my husband is at work, I know that his ring on his finger is a symbol of our union. People see that know he is one part of a whole. Knowing that we belong to a complete family unit and that we created it is a sense of wonder. We belong to someone, with someone and have a home. That is reassurance like nothing else.
Reason Number 9: A build in Support
Like a boxer with his manager in his corner or a worker with a set of staff, it feels good having someone that supports you. The encouragement and someone that roots for you and completes the package. It feels so good to stand by them!
Reason Number 10: The memories
From the miscarriage, cancer scare or death of my grandmother; my husband and I have a lot to deal with. As part of a larger extended family, we shared births, holidays and vacations that last a lifetime. The loyalty, the family cats and the laughs during some of our house moves forever stick with us. We have bought a home, struggled to get rid of debt and just been doing this thing called life together.
That is why marriage is a joy and that is what makes them Iconic.
We aren’t saying that single people can’t have a great life. Iconic is about empowering those that want to venture into marriage that it ain’t all bad. That with the right one you can build wealth, create the next generation and do it all with success, peace and happiness.
Let these 10 tips, help you maintain the love for a lifetime.
You can have an Iconic marriage
Marriage is always seen as something hard today. It is described as a ball in chain or something that takes away our joy.
That could not be further from the truth and those of us who know, know, how wonderful it truly can be.
That is why Iconic is here.
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