7 Habits of Happy Families That You Should Adopt Today
Iconic Media is the Number One Hub for Marriage Success and Empowerment
Good morning, Icons,
I hope all is well with you.
We are closing out another week in May. I pray that all is well with you and yours!
We are coming to the end of the school year 2023, congrats all class of 2023.
How has your 2023 been so far?
We hope that you have reached all your goals in life, love, family and marriage.
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7 Habits of Happy Families That You Should Adopt Today
Iconic Media is all about posting positive ways we all can strive to be better at our most personal level: with ourselves, our mates and our families.
Most people talk about the things that are wrong in society and spend all day outraged about so many topics.
But what can you do to have a happy family?
We are here to share 10 habits that will help you have the Iconic family that is worth the risk in love.
Habit #1: Play time
Your family should be more than just your responsibility. It should be Iconic with time set aside to make memories and to really enjoy each other. You have to be intentional because kids grow up and couples grow older.
Make time to play with your family. For example, family vacations time at the park or even to museums, plays and concerts. Look for family-based deals, group packages or even tag alone with extended. family.
We grow busy with careers and responsibilities but make the time to relax and enjoy the ones that all the hard work is for.
This is us playing around back in 2015 in Tennessee. We had a family vacation in Dolly Parton’s backyard and thought this would be fun to do, robbing a stagecoach.
We were pretty bad bandits that day, creating memories.
(The boy even wished for his sister at the wishing well).
Habit #2: Prayer time
God can deliver us from so much. We try so much of our time to carry every burden, decision and strife, but go to the Lord in prayer. In fact, go to God as a family, praying over each other, looking out for each other and loving each other as best as you can.
My family always prays for each other before one of us leavings in the morning or to go on an errand of some kind.
We pray at the dinner table. We pray to be thankful to the Lord who has brought us a long way.
Share in your spiritual journey so your kids can see how you handle life’s challenges together and where your help ultimately comes from.
Show them to go to God even when things are okay. These habits start at home.
Habit #3: Cleaning Up
Chores are something that have to be done. But you can make it a team effort. Kids can help with raking the grass, planting new things in the garden and organizing their rooms.
Our son can go with us to the store to pick out new shower curtains for his bathroom, new pillow and sheet coverings for his bed and our daughter can pick new stuffed animals for her bedroom.
Cleaning up can be a learning experience because kids can understand they have a responsibility to pick up after themselves and we can also make it a game.
My son and I use to race to see who could fold the fastest or the kids would play in the hampers as little vehicles.
Anytime you get a change to bond with your family, use it. Time waits for none of us.
Habit #4: Getting Quality Education
We decided last year to homeschool our children due to problems with our son’s local public school. After years of meetings and such, we decided this is the best route for our child.
Do what works for you and your kids. But do your research. That are tons of material out there to help parents today that didn’t exist years ago.
There are also social media groups, homeschooling co-opts and retired teachers willing to help.
Do what works for you and your kids. But do your research. That are tons of material out there to help parents today that didn’t exist years ago.
There are also social media groups, homeschooling co-opts and retired teachers willing to help.
One of my favorite things to do is to go to the local bookstore and library to pick up the latest information on educations, games and curricular activities to add to what our children can learn.
Don’t try to go at this all alone. Too much information now exists to make learning a struggle.
Even parents are now going back to school to pick up extra degrees and to learn new skills.
The virtual marketplace is vast for obtaining skills and knowledge in any area that you are ready to get into whether it is entrepreneurship, real estate, brokerage investing and more.
Education never stops and never stop learning.
Iconic Media Academy: “The Iconic Formula for Marriage Success”: Our new Digital eCourse
Iconic Media Presents our new course, “The Iconic Formula for Marriage Success” hosted by Nicole Pinkston aka Mrs. Pinky.
This 30-day online course will teach you and your spouse 12 foundational principles to help you map a 25-year success plan for your marriage.
Core lessons include:
How to Cultivate the Mindset for a Successful Marriage
How to Develop the Mental Fortitude to Combat Marriage Challenges
How to Develop Your Marriage’s Vision and Mission Plan
How to Practice Self-Love So You Know How Best to Love Your Spouse
How to Develop a Financial Plan for Your Social Empire’s Success
How to Develop Effective Communication Strategies Based on Your Spouse’s Preferred Methods and more!
At the end of this empowering course, you will receive:
A master blueprint for success in your marriage
An online support network to collaborate with other couples.
And an exclusive invitation to join Iconic’s 12-month marriage coaching program.
This new course is in beta stage, and this will be the first launch.
As such, you have the opportunity to take full advantage of being among the first group to test this course and to receive lifetime access to its current and updated material.
The final course price will be $300.
Premium Course Rate: Register at the button right now for $100 and start when we launch.
Here’s how to get started:
Click the button and pay $100 or more towards Iconic today.
I, Nicole Pinkston, will send you a follow-up email with instructions.
On June 1, 2023, you will receive full access to the online course inside Iconic Media sponsored by Gumroad.com
You will be sent “Iconic” the eBook for your pre-registration needed for the course.
News: If you have a community group, church, youth organization or more that maybe interested in a collaboration and discount for the new marriage e-Course, tell them about us here at Iconic Media.
They can reach out to me at: nicole.pinkston1@gmail.com to setup group training events and get discounts through my affiliate program.
Habit #5: Fitness, Exercise or Athletics
A powerful way to help your family and to spend ample time with them is to pick up a new fitness and exercise routine. Your family’s health should be top priority and it is easier when family members work together.
And today, there are apps and programs what work for you. These are not endorsements from Iconic Media but just ideas to help you out:
Local gyms
Recreations centers
Summer/Fall Camp Programs for Boys & Girls
Church Groups
My Fitness Pal/Daily Burn/Taebo/Beach Body and other at home Programs
Diets Include:
Keto/Carnivore/Vegan/Calorie Deficit
Start with Sports Camps or After School Programs: Running, Swimming, Football/Basketball or Winter Sports.
Habit #6: Eating Together
Nothing warms the soul better than a hot cooked meal. Cooking was such a passion of mine; it was my job in the United States Army.
Cooking is the one thing you can do, and we all do at every meaningful event. So why not share it with the ones you love? Couples can grow intimacy with putting together their favorite desert, parents can put smiles on kids’ faces preparing the foods their children enjoy most, and
Habit #7: Better Communication
All people in the family matter. A healthy and happy family has consistent and constant communication with each other, not hiding secrets, harboring resentment or telling lies.
Nothing breaks the bond of a family than bad communication. Truly good family structures can listen and hear when someone is hurting, anticipate needs and show grace.
Parents can listen to their kids and understand that children do not have the same level of skill here that adults should. We take the leadership role to be present and to nurture good habits by leading from the front and by example.
We use our words to uplift and empower not to dehumanize, disrespect or belittle. We encourage our children and spouses to be the best versions of themselves and extend grace/forgiveness when we need to do it.
We mean what we say, take responsibility for our actions and we give our all to achieve our families’ goals and vision on a daily basis. This life is 24/7 and we are intentional with doing right by the people we love.
Habit #8: Remember the Love
We don’t forget why we are in an Iconic marriage and family, to build social empires that thrive. We cannot thrive on happiness without love.
Love is an Action word, and we show it by doing all of the other things above to ensure that our family is safe, secure and whole.
Societal problems stem mostly from the breakdown of our family structures and in order to take back our country from an intrusive government and a flailing culture war, we must first start at our families.
That means doing our duties by our spouses, really participating in the rearing of well-to do children and being fully present in the moment of our lives.
Key Takeaway
Healthy families contribute to them but being available and doing the hard work to getting them to a place of building a legacy that last.
If you aren’t willing to do the work, don’t make vows and babies.
Families are the backbone of our society, and no amount of legislation can fix what only we ourselves can do.
Take back your community by first building your four walls.
And remember in all that you do, be Iconic.
Five Year Anniversary
For the next 3 days all items are 15% off celebrating my 5th anniversary!!!
5 years ago, I started "Mrs. Pinky Thoughts" podcast, my very own show that was to inspire you to use your voice to change the world around you.
In 2018, I wanted to do more than just Tweet or use social media to complain. I wanted to be active.
Before becoming a published author or Iconic business leader, I was a voice online for change.
Here is an episode below and all other podcasts are found as apart of our Iconic community newsletter.
Come buy some Merch from our shop now with the 15% discount and, as a bonus, I will email you, my eBook “Mrs. Pinky Thoughts” too.
All proceeds support our 10 lucky couples getting free access to our new eCourse.