8 Greatest Reasons Men say they love Women
Good morning Icons,
We are into a new week empowering you to have the marriage that thrives!
This week we continue to focus on what we see in each other and what that means to having the kinds of relationships that are happy, healthy and that lasts.
In talking to Icons on Twitter, I ask questions to get your thoughts so that we can have these helpful conversations to show others how solid marriages are possible even in today’s climate.
Let us dive into today’s question. I asked:
Instead of assuming what men what from us, why not just ask them?
Here are their thoughts!
The 8 Greatest Reasons Men say they love Women
Reason #1: Self Respect
Women who respect themselves will value who they are and that will transition into how we love others. Women who respect themselves will uphold standards for who they are and what they tolerate. The “self” part is important because she will control who she is.
Reason #2: Asking for help while independent.
Knowing when to reach out and when you can handle a situation is a unique trait to put together people. It is okay to admit you need help and when you don’t.
Asking for help is a great way to practice being authentic and vulnerable, which allows us to have empathy for and with other human beings. The Importance of Asking for Help | Mike Robbins (mike-robbins.com)
Being authentic is a great way to open up to a potential spouse because they know you need them. No one wants to feel like they aren’t needed in a marriage, that is why you chose them. They need to know you can depend on them and that you will show up when time.
When we get support, we are allowing others to help another human being. Asking people for help graciously creates a virtuous cycle. We are more likely to want to help that person in return if they ever ask for help, and vice versa. The Importance of Asking for Help | Mike Robbins (mike-robbins.com)
Reason #3: Good sense of humor
Life is too short not to laugh. A good sense of humor can go a long way to calm situations, fix mistakes, and relieve stress. Funny things happen all the time and you don’t want someone that is always a stick in the mud.
Check out 17 minutes of Comedians talking about marriage (Language) and have a laugh courtesy of me today:
Reason #4: Willingness and Enthusiasm
No one wants to force someone to help out or do things. People tend to gravitate to those with a bounce in their step and who want to help others. Being willing and able to be there for loved ones is a positive trait many guys seem to like.
Reason #5: Sympathy and Empathy
Men and women are just different. And empathy and/or sympathy goes a long way to show you care and understand your other half or the other sex. Most times these feelings help communicate issues, allow us to be there for someone else and show we are human. This is selflessness in action.
In 2017 I got tired of the political landscape and began saying something on Twitter to help others. My love for country and sympathy for those suffering in many communities nationwide compelled me to speak out about issues facing citizens each day.
On February 23, 2022, a compilation of my political writings to call attention to issues and propel others to activate drops.
“Mrs. Pinky’s Thoughts” is my 3rd eBook coming in a series of authored books to motivate, encourage and empower you. These works help fund the work here and allow me to show up in a unique way to effect change.
Get your Pre-order in now at the button below.
Reason #6: Gentleness and nurturing
Nurturing is an important trait that affects others. In fact,
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word nurture as “training or upbringing,” “something that nourishes.” The word nurture comes from the Latin word “nutritura” which means to nurse, nourish and to promote growth. Words that have a similar meaning to the word nurture include encourage, incubate, further and promote. All human beings need to be nurtured and nurturing needs to begin before birth and continue throughout life.
Promoting this type of growth helps any relationship. The gentleness puts others at ease too.
Reason #7: Classy
Many women love fashion. Classiness is more than that for it is a reflection of high standards, masterful skills or even a gracefulness that is unique to that individual. It is a personal behavior or way of being that exudes that you mean business and have a self-esteem that makes networking and relationship building easier.
Reason #8: Giving Birth
Motherhood is something unique to women. Many give birth vaginally, through c-sections or even adopt. It takes a lot to go through pregnancy, delivery and survive. Men cannot give birth. It is something they were not designed to do so many appreciate that women will go through such a process for them to become fathers.
700 pregnancy-related deaths happened each year according to the CDC. It is a sacrifice to continue growing the next generation that deserves lots of respect.
Women, we can learn a lot from men if we ask them and we listen to their opinions. Sometimes people tell you what to do and others they do not.
As you see above, many of these traits seem like common sense and also can work for men too.
Having an Iconic marriage comes with love, patience and understand what it is the other wants from you.
Know what the other person wants from you allows you to tailor what you do to meet those needs.
And that is how we show up in our relationships and win.
What traits do you find missing from this list? Tell us below and let us know what you think.
You can have an Iconic marriage
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