Good morning, Icons,
As we are coming close to the end of Black History Month, I want to leave you with some empowering information and not that much talked about history.
I hope in your own way you are making history.
We wish you well in life, love, marriage, and family.
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Black History Month: Mrs. Pinky Podcast Replay
As we are coming to the close of Black History Month 2024, I wanted to replay an episode where I broke down some Black History facts into 3 periods. OUr story isn’t just one of suffering and oppression, but of a group of people that were more.
This discussion also highlights women who contributed to the cause that sure can empower us ladies to do more in our families and communities. So please be insired. Everything we do here isn’t to just dwell on the past, but to uplift us to make our own history today.
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Season 4 Episode 3 Replay highlights black excellence not just the horrors of slavery.
Black excellence refers to a high level of achievement, success, or ability demonstrated by an individual Black person or by Black people in general12. It is a mindset that lives in all of us, one where we stand on the shoulders of those who came before and calls us to blaze a new trail for ourselves and future generations3. The phrase has been around for quite some time and is defined by Urban Dictionary as “Someone that is black and portrays great qualities and abilities that make the black community proud”4. One of the key messages in Black Excellence is the importance of unity among the black community5.
For this discussion I stayed in 3 eras:
American Revolution,
Black Wallstreet
Jim Crow
There's a misconception that the Black community is full of thugs and gangster, criminals and ghetto baddies without the knowledge of our history.
Both the right and the left, politically, pretend that the Black American story is full of all hardships, pain and misery. Yet, the story that is frequent is one of resilience, inspiration and ambition for all races in America.
This episode is to honor the success that have been achieved without handouts from gov't and by sheer determination of an oppressed people.
Listen Now to Black History Discussion on Mrs. Pinky Thoughts.
Featured in this Discussion:
Revolutionary War Heroes, Often Forgotten Persons
Black Wall Street Highlights like businesses like Rodeos
Black Wealthy and Ownership
Female Contributions
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