Bonus Weekend Post: Don't Give UP
Iconic Media is the Number 1 Hub for Marriage Success and Empowerment
Good Saturday, Icons.,
I won’t hold you long.
Just wanted to give you an update on everything going on here.
I pray that you are having a wonderful weekend and are blessed today.
Bonus Weekend Post: Don't Give UP
Last night, I was kind of bogged down and sad from the changes at Twitter and not meeting my fundraising goals to get you guys our latest eBook out on time.
I don’t like being late on anything or not achieving my own goals.
I felt burned out and tired trying an uphill battle to release wholesome content in a space that is very toxic.
But after talking to my husband, my online coach and some encouragement from friends, I decided to keep grinding.
Because if no one else does the work, who will?
So Icons, we keep grinding.
In the Army, there is a part of the Soldier’s Creed that is called the Warrior Ethos.
It has sustained me over the years.
Because if you don’t give up, you can accomplish anything.
Even the fails in your life have lessons.
So, I don’t plan to give up, it was just a bad moment.
We dust ourselves off and we move on.
Nothing worthwhile comes easy.
Don’t Give Up
Marriage is not easy, but it is doable.
Most times we don’t have the right resources, the right upbringing or just choose the wrong partners and that is why relationships fail.
My husband and I boiled down our relationship to a single ideology that has kept us together for 12 years through a lot of unforeseen circumstances that we have pushed through; we never gave up.
In my latest eBook, “Don’t Give Up: A guide to Help Navigate Modern Marriages and Win” I discuss key factors to help you win and build a social empire that lasts.
Many organizations, media outlets and political figure heads will talk all day about the need for wholesome families, intact homes and marriage.
Yet, where do people go for realistic help in navigating the craziness that dominates our media, our content and our society?
Iconic Media is here.
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Doing the Work:
I want to remind each of you of the power of perseverance while you are building your social empire.
Yes, you will love and lose in the dating scene, it is what it is.
And you will face hardships with your spouse.
But it you get 80% of what you wished for and that 20% you don’t isn’t anything bad like domestic violence, sexual violence, etc., you can make it if you don’t quit.
So be encouraged today and remember in everything you do, Be Iconic.
"The Iconic Formula for Marriage Success eCourse": 12-Step Foundational Blueprint
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