Breaking Fear: How 10 Childhood Fears Can Manifest & Reveal Adult Behaviors
Iconic Media is the Number 1 Hub for Marriage Success and Empowerment
Good Afternoon, Icons,
I hope all is well with you in life, love, marriage and family.
Today’s newsletter is a little late, I am a homeschooling mom, and we took Biology outside.
We are on soil and planting real life plants, so it took us on a little trip and away from the computer.
Homeschooling affords us with some benefits and balance than asa content creator takes finesse.
Sometimes I am on time, others not so much.
But we have not forgotten about you. Today’s blogpost is here!
Breaking Fear: How 10 Childhood Fears Can Manifest & Reveal Adult Behaviors
Everyone is afraid of something.
And when we marry, we start out with whatever we have been taught or been through and that too can have a host of fears on their own.
Did you know that childhood fears do not go away just because one becomes an adult?
I was curious about what you Icons felt afraid of, and you answered.
We will talk about fears and why Breaking Fear is a solution to what ails you and can even make you take the leap to have the Iconic marriage that you deserve.
I asked You:
And you answered.
Click the link to see more of the childhood fears that Icons put in the comments.
Thank you as always for your participation. If you would love to participate more, please let us know how we are doing by leaving a comment. We do not bite, I promise.
Fear #1: Claymation
Stop motion or clay animation was a popular medium in the past to make movies such as Rudolph and Gumby. The more recent Chicken Run and others makes it something film directors use a lot. But for a child’s mine sometimes the designs can be scary. The Yeti having his teeth removed kinda still haunts me to this day.
A recent imaging study led by a scientist at The University of Texas at Dallas discovered early risk factors linked to children’s temperament as well as a neural process that might predict whether a person would develop depression and anxiety in adolescence and early adulthood.
This study shows that there maybe a link in what goes on in early childhood can also manifest in adulthood.
Knowing this can explain some of the things we see in our spouses that may manifest in our relationships.
Fear #2: Parents passing Away

It is typical to fear our own or our parents’ death. That is also tied to the fear of the unknown. We love our parents and can’t imagine a world without them. Fifteen years ago when my dad had open heart surgery, I rushed in full Army Uniform from Iraq back to the states. My fear of combat and war was trumped by the possibility of losing my dad.
That fear has me making sure my husband and I are updated on our own heart and we monitor our own health not to scare our kids as well.
Death anxiety or thanatophobia is the official term for the fear of death and dying.
It is not unusual to fear the death of loved ones, that’s because we love them.
Children worry that no one will be there to take care of them, and they soon begin to feel abandoned. They’ll also start to wonder if they’ll die next and when.
Since we know that our kids, and even us adults, have this fear is best we do our best to alleviate it by focusing on living, enjoying making memories and eventual accept it is only part of life.
Fear #3: Outhouses
My grandmother had an outhouse, and I was super scared to go out to it. But when “you gotta go, you gotta go”. And it was dark but with my older brother, I was able to get out there and do what I had to do. People who have grown up with modern conveniences tend to forget not everyone is so lucky.
This fear can be humbling and makes me appreciate the indoor commodes that we have now.
Fear #4: Clowns
Children and adults who fear clowns may experience extreme, irrational reactions when they see clowns in person or view pictures or videos of clowns. Someone with a fear of clowns is coulrophobic. They may go out of their way to avoid any exposure to clowns.
Some experts theorize that this fear of clowns comes from the individuals actual face being covered up and expressions that are distorted breaking a comfortable trust.
I used to get my feelings heart when my son was little, and he didn’t like my makeup. Come to find out, it was because to him I looked different and that scared him.
I don’t wear it much anyways, so it was easy to oblige.
Sometimes women get upset when they hear a man does not like makeup on their face or people feel disrespected when they don’t like drag queens/anyone with over-the-top making like in movies.
This could also be the same type of fear. This can play into relationships and could be seen as controlling when it reality it is a childhood fear.
Fear #5: Tornados
This one really hits hard because natural disasters are devastating.
We just sent our condolences to families hit in Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia over recent tornadoes. Sometimes we forget just how small humanity really is when compared to what the Earth can do.
Sometimes fears do come from real life experiences like my fear of drowning because I did almost drown.
Being afraid is not the end of everything though. We can confront our fears and we can win.
Breaking Fear: My Story
When I lost my child due to miscarriage in 2010, I feel to my knees. Grief hit me hard because this was supposed to be my miracle child.
It was not until I wrote my eBook that I realized it was fear. And I do have many of them: heights, drowning, and never being a mother.
In my newest eBook “Breaking Fear”, I encourage you to overcome any fear whether from trauma or a phobia with 5 core lessons.
Sonnie Johnson host of “Sonnie’s Corner” from SirusXM 125 Patriot on Saturday’s at 1PM eastern made a Tweet about Fear today:
Why do some so called leaders sell us fear? Because it motivates us to act. When people are scared, they will work.
Fear motivates, but for the wrong reason.
We, especially Christians, should not be afraid. Our families or our whys should motivate us in life, love, marriage and family.
Because then we are in charge. By allowing fear to guide, it is our master. And it is not a good one.
Fear causes us to hate. Fear causes us to stop opportunity. Fear stops us from marriage.
Fear is not our friend.
How do we overcome fear? Let me show you.
The power of overcoming fear is amazing. Grab my story “Breaking Fear” and overcome your fears, and win.
Now in PaperBack!
Click this link if you would like to get “Breaking Fear” to your door:
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Please include your address so we can get that to you.
Fear #6: My Grandmother
As children we don’t want to make those that have authority over us upset. So sometimes we are fearful that we will get into trouble or get disciplined if we mess up. The fear we have for our parents/grandparents is one of respect, not to be confused if we had abusive/evil parents.
Children who are taught respect learn that people are important. They began to think of others instead of just themselves, and they are often more genuine in their care for others.
This type of fear is the kind we are supposed to have for God (Yahweh) and not that of a tyrant but out of respect for who He is and what He can do. It is a respect that we have for our parents too as both of them are our creators.
The fear of the Lord is an awareness of these truths. It can be defined as a continual awareness that you are in the presence of a holy, just, and almighty God, and that every motive, thought, word, and action is open before Him and will be judged by Him. What is the fear of the Lord? | Institute in Basic Life Principles (
Fear #7: The Devil
Now while we have a respectful fear of God, some of us were afraid of the devil as kids. We pictured images of a red guy with horns. But Lucifer is the father of lies. He is a fallen angel that messed up and tempts us to do the same as a petty “gotcha” to God the Father.
But since we are aware of him and his schemes, there is no need to fear him.
We can flee from him, and we can hide in the knowledge that God will protect us.
But knowledge of him should cause us comfort. Because now we see the enemy clearly and can stand against him.
Fear #8: Horror Movies

Horror Movies came up a lot of the list and I picked this user, not just because she is my sister, but because this film scared me too. It is about Big Foot and it comes in the main characters house through a window.
More movies like Jaws, Child’s Play and even King Kong were posted as answers too. While horror films are often selected as something that scars children, many adults are afraid too.
One cool thing to do is look at behind the scenes footage and learn how those in the industry create these creatures.
Fear #9: Concepts Beyond Our Understanding
Our childlike minds can only handle so much. The idea of infinity, black holes, or how deep is our ocean can seem so scary because it is so vast. We try to picture these things as adults explain them but we cannot because we are so young. Education is so key to learning and as we grow we begin to accept that things are bigger than us and there is no reason to be afraid.
Fear #10: Santa Claus

An old jolly man that can spy on you at any time and give you coal if you don’t behave does sound creepy. Many cultures have their own version, but it wasn’t until I learned the true story of Saint Nicholas that he sounds more as like a kind man and less like a creepy pervert sneakily stalking me. Fortunately, my father told us that he didn’t come around our house, so I had to worry about Christ being proud of me.
New movies about Saint Nick tend to be more fun and adult ones make him seem cool.
Try to watch the Fatman if you get a chance.
Fear has no home here
Don’t let fear be your prison.
Powers that be play on our fear, scaring us to empty our pockets for their pet causes.
Fear steals from us and makes us bend our knees.
Courage is the ability to do what we must in the face of fear, even when it comes to getting marriage and raising kids in today’s society.
Break Fear and be great. Remember in everything you do, be Iconic.
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