Over the weekend, I was invited to speak on Sonnie' Johnson’s show Sonnie’s Corner for the umpteenth time. I am so grateful for another chance to talk to her audience and to be a guest on her show.
Sonnie’s Bio that appears in her Sirius XM profile is as follows:
Sonnie Johnson is a Tea Party activist who speaks to conservative groups around the country. Her power as a speaker is her ability to synthesize policy ideas with street level tactics in a way that engages and inspires audiences of all races. Her show, every Saturday at 1:00 ET, will mix conservative principles with hip-hop culture.
She has been a blessing to me in that she has allowed me to blossom in the political space and shift to helping you all in life, love, marriage and family.
Her work has encouraged me to activate in the way that I know how to benefit others and to bring up others with me.
That is indeed Iconic.
A powerhouse political analyze, married and a mother, Sonnie has dominated what she does for years.
It was an honor as a fan and friend to leave her audience with some hope for 2024.
This message is the same one I left in the last newsletter for you all.
Whenever I get to share our Iconic community, message and work with others, I do so.
Listen into this clip and make sure you are taking care of your families and yourselves.
My Hopeful Iconic Message for 2024
I take the powerful Iconic Message wherever I can, and I thank Sonnie for believing in what we do here.
Did you know I had Sonnie on as a guest of my show “Mrs. Pinky Thoughts”. She stopped by and chopped it up with me last year to discuss any and everything.
If you want to give that a listen, check the “Featured Articles Section” at the end of this newsletter.
You must be a premium subscriber to access all audio podcast.
Do you want to listen to our full conversation from Saturday?
To listen to the full show, check out Sonnie’s Corner over on Sirius XM app channel 125 Patriot and listen to her live every Saturday 1-3pm ET.
Any time anyone wants to have me on so we can share the Iconic message, we will take it to them. I am opening myself up to be featured and for more guest on my own show.
If you would like me to come, you can email us at nicole.pinkston1@gmail.com. We say thank you in advance.
Help Support Iconic this Holiday Season
Iconic Media would not be here without you, thank you so much.
On October 1, 2022, I launched my newest platform, Iconic Media, as a place where new couples could come to learn how to build successful marriages.
In today’s modern world, conversations around marriages are causing people to lose faith in the institution, despite research proving its viable benefits to our communities. Very few people are delivering tools and strategies that help new couples thrive. As a result, we are witnessing more divorces and broken families.
And it’s not just happening in Black communities. We’re witnessing this downfall among other groups.
Something must change.
Back in 2022, after working with the Conscious Conservative Movement and seeing the need to produce content that empowered our social empires, I decided it was time to host nuanced conversations about marriage while incorporating aspects of the culture into my discussions.
As a result, Iconic Media was formed. Our vision is to equip men and women to build lasting iconic marriages that thrive. Our mission over the next 25 years is to help 1,000,000 new couples forget healthier, stronger relationships. And we will accomplish this mission through our Twitter Spaces, newsletter, and e-courses.
To accomplish these goals, I must first receive the training necessary to build the infrastructure. Cost for my online business development is $15,000 (or $288/week) and will occur over a 12-month time period.
I’ve currently been accepted into Coach Felecia Killings’s award-winning online coaching program called My Beloved Women’s Online Business and Virtual Ministry School. And each week, she provides me the tools I need to create the system of operations, so I manifest my God-given vision.
The Iconic Fundraising Campaign will help offset the tuition costs, and your donation of $10 or more will go directly towards my training.
As a token of appreciation for your support, I have several rewards available, including access to my newest e-books and future access to Iconic’s first e-course.
If you’ve enjoyed the content I’ve shared over the last few years, and if you have grown as a result of the work I put in, help me receive the full business training I need to make Iconic Media a success.
We are 100% committed to restoring the truth about marriage because we want our nuclear families to thrive. When they thrive, communities thrive. And when communities thrive, the nation thrives.
Thank you in advance for your ongoing support.
Together, we can rebuild our families by starting at the most local level: our marriages.
We did it. We've reached our 1-year anniversary having accomplished so much in almost 1 year.
We have our Iconic Media Library with our 5 eBooks and 1 eCourse, and we want to do more.
So, I am continuing my training with Coach Felecia and need your continued support.
We will be introducing more 1 on 1 coaching services and adding more to our online eCourse.
Our Iconic newsletter will continue to publish daily content and more for our PREMIUM subscribers.
Thank you for your support so far.
We are still committed to restoring marriage and working to empower our families to thrive.
Together we will achieve more!
We need you.
Consider donating $10 or more to the work we do so that we can continue to add more value in the marriage space empowering relationships, social empires and more.
We are working towards our 6th book, the first hardback copy in our collection dropping next fall.
If you choose today to drop a $50 blessing, you will be added to the pre-order list and receive all 5 eBooks as a thank you.
It is the season of giving.
Sponsor our Iconic Media network by clicking the button below.
Featured Articles
Great job, Nicole!! 🔥🔥