Bringing the Iconic Message to Sonnie's Corner Plus Mother's Day Fire Conversation
Iconic Media is the Number 1 Hub for Marriage Success and Empowerment
Good New Week, Icons,
Happy Belated Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there.
I hope you enjoyed your weekend.
I had a nice day with my family and got some gifts. Just being able to have a happy family and a good marriage warms my soul.
And we are always sharing the Iconic Message with others when we can.
Today’s Post is my latest interview to spread the Iconic marriage message nationwide.
I take it wherever I can to encourage men and women to build social empires that thrive, like you.
And for you to be a part of our Iconic community, we need you to contribute to the conversation with your advice, comments, likes and share.
So, please, don’t be shy.
Bringing the Iconic Message to Sonnie's Corner Plus Mother's Day Fire Conversation
I was asked by political media giant and messenger Sonnie Johnson to come on her show and talk about being moms.
I am always grateful and bless when she extends her platform to allow me to share the work we do here.
She even blessed me with coming on to my YouTube Show “Mrs. Pinky Thoughts” for Season 5 episode 7 and we had a fire political conversation. You can check that out below:
We had a little technical difficulty at the start, but it all worked out.
I have been on Sonnie’s Sirus XM Radio show on Patriot 125 before for topics about political outreach, veterans’ issues and more. And we always have a fire time.
About Sonnie Johnson
Sonnie Johnson is a Tea Party activist who speaks to conservative groups around the country. Her power as a speaker is her ability to synthesize policy ideas with street level tactics in a way that engages and inspires audiences of all races. Her show, every Saturday at 1:00 ET, will mix conservative principles with hip-hop culture. (From her XM profile).
Last week we had a conversation inside Coach Felecia Killings Twitter Space where I was also a guest as well, talking about revivals in the social space (that replay will be posted later) and Sonnie revealed her miscarriage story, and it was so similar to mine in Breaking Fear.
Breaking Fear
As you know my 1st eBook is Breaking Fear, my personal story of our miscarriage which was so devastating.
I had always wanted to be a mother and when doctors told me I was infertile, it blew into the core of who I was. And losing who I was, I was reckless. And then I heard the news of having a child and I was SHOCKED.
And it was taken away from me. I was SHOCKED again.
I did not want to live in a world where I could not be a mother, where I could not have our child.
But from my test, God pulled out 5 core lessons that made me live again.
These 5 core lessons will teach you how to overcome whatever fears you have and WIN.
Not a little but WIN BIG.
Get a copy of this book today by upgrading and becoming a Paid subscriber to Iconic. We cannot do this without your support Icons.
That conversation was also to show how more Black families are heading towards marriage and the new numbers that I posted here before.
39% of Black families are now headed by two parent households over taking the single-mother number of 31% for the first time in decades. Black Americans - Research and data from Pew Research Center
What was interesting was she got to lay her hair down and talk about her story with a sign of perseverance and success.
She has been married for 23 years and go into a conversation telling others that a marriage can be successful and healthy one.
That is what has been missing in relationship discussions of late.
It has been nothing but preaching and bashing men and women.
Where is the love?
That is what I asked Icons last night when I was overwhelmed by the cringe from trad circles consistently bashing women and what women ought to be doing.
That is why I build Iconic Media, to be a counterculture to all the relationship/marriage nonsense and actually give couples the encouragement.
This can be done when we have the desire, the work and the tools to when.
And in everything you do, Be Iconic.
Listen to the Replay of our Mother’s Day conversation and Enjoy.
Key Points:
What are some key ideas for an Iconic Marriage?
Did I notice a revival in Black marriage spaces?What advice I have for mothers?
What advice do I have about kids doing chores and more?
Make sure you check Sonnie Johnson out over on Twitter and subscribe to Sonnie’s Corner over there on Sirus XM Patriot 125 on Saturdays 1-3 PM Eastern.
The Iconic Formula for Marriage Success: Our new Digital eCourse
Iconic Media Presents our new course, “The Iconic Formula for Marriage Success” hosted by Nicole Pinkston aka Mrs. Pinky.
This 30-day online course will teach you and your spouse 12 foundational principles to help you map a 25-year success plan for your marriage.
Core lessons include:
How to Cultivate the Mindset for a Successful Marriage
How to Develop the Mental Fortitude to Combat Marriage Challenges
How to Develop Your Marriage’s Vision and Mission Plan
How to Practice Self-Love So You Know How Best to Love Your Spouse
How to Develop a Financial Plan for Your Social Empire’s Success
How to Develop Effective Communication Strategies Based on Your Spouse’s Preferred Methods and more!
At the end of this empowering course, you will receive:
A master blueprint for success in your marriage
An online support network to collaborate with other couples.
And an exclusive invitation to join Iconic’s 12-month marriage coaching program.
This new course is in beta stage, and this will be the first launch.
As such, you have the opportunity to take full advantage of being among the first group to test this course and to receive lifetime access to its current and updated material.
The final course price will be $300.
Premium Course Rate: Register at the button right now for $100 and start when we launch.
Here’s how to get started:
Click the button and pay $100 or more towards Iconic today.
I, Nicole Pinkston, will send you a follow-up email with instructions.
On June 1, 2023, you will receive full access to the online course inside Iconic Media sponsored by
You will be sent “Iconic” the eBook for your pre-registration needed for the course.
News: If you have a community group, church, youth organization or more that maybe interested in a collaboration and discount for the new marriage e-Course, tell them about us here at Iconic Media.
They can reach out to me at: to setup group training events and get discounts through my affiliate program.