Iconic Formula For Marriage Success Update & More
Keeping you Updated on what is happening with Iconic Media and more
Good Afternoon Icons,
Thank you for reading today’s new posts.
I had an old injury pop back up and had to take care of it this week.
Thank you for your patience.
We are working hard to develop the best content, eCourse and coaching program that can really effect change.
We have updated our campaign website and also added Twitter Spaces to what we do.
You still will receive newsletters as well.
The Iconic Fundraising Campaign
On October 1, 2022, I launched my newest platform, Iconic Media Group, as a place where new couples could come to learn how to build successful marriages.
In today’s modern world, conversations around marriages are causing people to lose faith in the institution, despite research proving its viable benefits to our communities. Very few people are delivering tools and strategies that help new couples thrive. As a result, we are witnessing more divorces and broken families.
And it’s not just happening in Black communities. We’re witnessing this downfall among other groups.
Something must change.
Back in 2022, after working with the Conscious Conservative Movement and seeing the need to produce content that empowered our social empires, I decided it was time to host nuanced conversations about marriage while incorporating aspects of the culture into my discussions.
As a result, Iconic Media was formed. Our vision is to equip men and women to build lasting iconic marriages that thrive. Our mission over the next 25 years is to help 1,000,000 new couples forget healthier, stronger relationships. And we will accomplish this mission through our Twitter Spaces, newsletter, and e-courses.
To accomplish these goals, I must first receive the training necessary to build the infrastructure. Cost for my online business development is $15,000 (or $288/week) and will occur over a 12-month time period.
I’ve currently been accepted into Coach Felecia Killings’s award-winning online coaching program called My Beloved Women’s Online Business and Virtual Ministry School. And each week, she provides me the tools I need to create the system of operations, so I manifest my God-given vision.
The Iconic Fundraising Campaign will help offset the tuition costs, and your donation of $10 or more will go directly towards my training.
As a token of appreciation for your support, I have several rewards available, including access to my newest e-books and future access to Iconic’s first e-course.
If you’ve enjoyed the content I’ve shared over the last few years, and if you have grown as a result of the work I put in, help me receive the full business training I need to make Iconic Media a success.
We are 100% committed to restoring the truth about marriage because we want our nuclear families to thrive. When they thrive, communities thrive. And when communities thrive, the nation thrives.
Thank you in advance for your ongoing support.
Together, we can rebuild our families by starting at the most local level: our marriages.
Iconic Formula For Marriage Success Update & More
Because we have not met our fundraising/pre-registration goals, the eCourse launch date has been pushed to June 1, 2023.
That does not mean we will stop writing articles or doing the work, it just means we have to stretch out the time we can deliver more.
We need your support to get this all done so that we work to empower marriages nationwide.
Thank you in advance.
Iconic Formula for Marriage Success” a new online teaching for 10-20 couples.
This 30-day online course will teach you and your spouse 12 foundational principles to help you map a 25-year success plan for your marriage.
Core lessons include:
How to Cultivate the Mindset for a Successful Marriage
How to Develop the Mental Fortitude to Combat Marriage Challenges
How to Develop Your Marriage’s Vision and Mission Plan
How to Practice Self-Love So You Know How Best to Love Your Spouse
How to Develop a Financial Plan for Your Social Empire’s Success
How to Develop Effective Communication Strategies Based on Your Spouse’s Preferred Methods and more!
At the end of this empowering course, you will receive:
A master blueprint for success in your marriage
An online support network to collaborate with other couples.
And an exclusive invitation to join Iconic’s 12-month marriage coaching program.
This new course is in beta stage, and this will be the first launch.
As such, you have the opportunity to take full advantage of being among the first group to test this course and to receive lifetime access to its current and updated material.
The final course price will be $300.
Premium Course Rate: Register at the button right now for $100 and start when we launch.
Here’s how to get started:
Click the button and pay $100 or more towards Iconic today.
I, Nicole Pinkston, will send you a follow-up email to join our private network, Iconic Media.
On June 1, 2023, you will receive full access to the online course inside the network.
Each day, Nicole will lead you in an online discussion about marriage and how to strengthen yours.
You will be sent “Iconic” the eBook if you don’t not already have it as a paid subscriber to this newsletter.
News: If you have a community group, church, youth organization or more that maybe interested in a new marriage online class, tell them about us here at Iconic
They can reach out to me at: nicole.pinkston1@gmail.com to setup group training events.
A Call to Action
America’s relationships stats are not good with marriages declining and divorces climbing.
Men and women are fighting, and our birth rates are dwindling.
Iconic aims to change that, with your help.
Today we ask that you subscribe as a paid subscriber for $5 a month/$50 a year.
We don’t want to put out nonsense like many media, podcasts and others do. We want to do what some of the other successful marriage coaches do.
Importantly, the more of us that show up to help develop wholesome marriages, the more there will be. And if you read my “Case for Marriage” post, you know the benefits to society and the country matters.
Give today and receive my newest eBook “Mrs. Pinky’s Thoughts” by clicking the link.
Paid subscribers get locked newsletters and new eBooks every year.
Your donations/funding keeps “Iconic” newsletter going to help empower couples each day.
We thank you in advance.
And remember, in everything you do, Be Iconic.