Good evening, Icons,
We have some new information for you, and we still want to keep you posted in the latest data in the family space.
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Iconic News and More
Pew Research has the data for families and marriage is out and is not pretty.
"A quarter of 40 years never been married."
"Public views of the family are complicated. Americans are more pessimistic than optimistic about the institution of marriage and the family." Over 40%.
"Marriage and families and parenthood are seen as less important to living a fulfilling life/"
"Unhappy couples stay in marriages too long."
" children have a great deal or a fair amount of assistance and financial assistance to an elderly parent who needs this type of support" (Views of the American Family in 2023 Are Mixed | Pew Research Center)
I even posted the pictures for you, it is shocking.
There is a lot of work that needs to be done and we are ready together.
What does this all mean?
This means that the American outlook, even if it is just opinions, is not good.
Even with positive marriage data coming out of the Black community, overall people aren’t hopeful about getting or staying married. People aren’t seeing the benefits or at least seeing them. And we have elder millennials not married at all.
This is all not good news. But there is hope. That hope is us, us Icons.
Something can be done, when you give. Support our Iconic work and our most recent campaign for our next book the Iconic Formula for Marriage Success and/or our 1st campaign event to give away copies of our book “Don’t Give Up” to locals in Atlanta GA.
Why this way specifically? Because it allows us online and offline access to where our help can be used the most.
How specifically? We are partnering with the Conscious Conservative Movement who is informing parents about homeschooling, something we also did in our online series, and we are ready to do work at the local level where politics matters by giving out 3,000+ copies of this exact 6th book to the communities for free with your donations.
Join in with your support w/$25 or more, get rewards. Click below.
Get the 1 on 1 Coaching with our Iconic Coaching Program
We are now accepting 10 new clients for coaching in life, love, marriage and family.
Some topics include but aren’t limited to:
Are you unsure how to start homeschooling?
Are you wanting to figure out communication issues in your marriage?
Do you need help in family planning?
Get personalized help, below.
The Iconic Media Coaching Branch has openings for 1-hour consultations for you and/or your spouse at $100.
Payment is required during scheduling.
Space is limited.
If you are interested, please click the button below and schedule your consultation.