Iconic News: Exciting Shift in Marriage Data
Iconic Media is the Number 1 Hub for Marriage Success and Empowerment
Good Friday morning, Icons,
We are so excited for the news we want to share with you today.
We hope that you are reaching all of your goals in life, love, marriage and family.
Iconic Media is not just a place to discuss current marriage and relationship topics, but we also cover the data, political policies and everything that can help or hurt your marriage.
We are the counterculture to today’s society that puts marriage and family last and not you and yours first.
And it is not all negative stories.
“Families are the compass that guides us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter.” — Brad Henry
We also work to keep you uplifting that you too can have an Iconic Marriage, if you are putting in the work.
Before we get into today’s topic, we need you.
Iconic Media is financed by givers like you.
Iconic Media Fundraising Campaign
Whether you purchase and eBook from the Iconic Media Library or become a paid subscriber all funds go towards building Iconic so that we can show up as a resource for married people and families.
Our vision is to equip men and women to build lasting iconic marriages that thrive. Our mission over the next 25 years is to help 1,000,000 new couples forge healthier, stronger relationships. And we will accomplish this mission through our Twitter Spaces, newsletter, and e-courses.
To accomplish these goals, I must first receive the training necessary to build the infrastructure. Cost for my online business development is $15,000 (or $288/week) and will occur over a 12-month time period.
I’ve currently been accepted into Coach Felecia Killings’s award-winning online coaching program called My Beloved Women’s Online Business and Virtual Ministry School. And each week, she provides me the tools I need to create the system of operations, so I manifest my God-given vision.
The Iconic Fundraising Campaign will help offset the tuition costs, and your donation of $10 or more will go directly towards my training.
Iconic News: Exciting Shift in Marriage Data
We hear the same data points often: 70% of Black households are led by women.
That is used to shape excuses for crime, debauchery and other negative images of Black native-born Americans in this country.
We get compared to other races and even disrespected by minorities that are supposedly doing better.
Politicians use these numbers when shaping policy, government programs and more.
Television producers make commercials and stereotype acts as gangbangers, and thugs with no dad in the home and a struggling single mother.
Chart provided by : "Gang member" and "thug" roles in film are disproportionately played by black actors - Vox
These media messages are to paint a picture that the majority of Black children have no chance because it is a rough start.
Yet, has any of these groups that have managed to shape these images updated YOU on the new data?
Ask them why on social media today. Why are they still spouting old numbers and what benefit does it serve the Black community or America in general to keep pushing old data and old talking points?
Yet, the marriage data has changed. And it has for all of us.
And I am one who reported the old charts and graphs because Iconic Media wants to bring you up to speed on whatever the data is in real time.
As we brought up Ronald Reagan this week and his no-fault divorce.
We left you with the good news from the Indiana Daily Study article:
In recent years in the United States, there has been a rise in the number of children being raised in two-parent households, across all demographics.
Kids from all demographics are being raised in two parent households.
They do better in school, avoid criminal activity and are more likely to advance in life thanks to the work of both parents.
This is wonderful news.
As we point out in the Iconic article “The Case for Marriage”, children in two parent households fare better than not in every aspect.
This is promising.
But more importantly the story reports:
Amongst all races, African Americans have seen the biggest increase in the number of children who are living in a two-parent household, regardless of the parents’ marital status.
We can get into the reasons why it has been hard on Black families specifically and the trends in other communities as well, but the point here is hopeful.
It means that families all across the board are doing better.
I was so excited about the good news that I rushed to my Twitter page to let Icons know:
The data did indeed change. According to Pew Research, a non-partisan organization, Black families are now 39% married couple led and only 31% single mother led.
That is a HUGE drop from 70% single mothers to 31% single mothers.
For the first time in decades, marriages outweigh single motherhood!
It was first pushed as changed by Coach Felecia Killings on her Twitter Timeline. She is CEO of the My Beloved Women’s Ministry, a branch of the Felecia Killings Foundation, in which she coaches single mothers in marriage, motherhood, business and ministry so that they can be empowered to radically transform their lives.
She pushed her “Beloveds” to ask their conservative political pundits on these new numbers and why they still spout old data.
Old data makes old talking points seem relevant and shapes a political base to regurgitate.
Her organization, the Conscious Conservative Movement is a political think tank reshaping how conservatives on the right build an alliance with Black voters and so that means changing old messaging that distract potential voters from the Republican base.
That is why changing these talking points matter to her.
We know now most Black voters vote Democrat, and CCM believes that to leverage our government, we need Dual Domination: voting split between both parties.
In order to achieve that, Republicans need to do away with old talking points and stereotypes that are off putting.
Politics is where we go to protect what we are building. Politics is business.
There is no point in building Iconic marriages if we do not protect them politically with our vote.
This is not a call to be Republican. This is a call for the stereotypes and talking points to be thrown in the trash because they at minimum don’t even match current data.
(You can check out more work here: My Beloved News | Coach Felecia Killings | Substack)
How exactly are her team members supposed to do that when the top brass is spouting old information?
That is why we stay on top of the new here to keep everyone informed.
That is why it was important for me to make Iconic a media organization as well so we can give you the truth.
Look at the data here for yourself: Facts About the U.S. Black Population | Pew Research Center
Broken homes, single mother household and more affect American communities in many ways.
That is why we celebrate that we are going in a positive direction.
Many in the media, those running for office and more want to keep the old data and you will have to ask them why.
How are individuals going to know that others in their own community see the value in marriage when those with the microphones are not updating them?
They come here.
We are the alternative media showing you what others will not.
We here will continue to bring you Iconic News weekly in marriage, family and parenthood related topics so that you are in the now and are not playing catch up.
We are a media and messaging company as well.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.
Iconic Formula for Marriage Success
It is wonderful that people are getting married. We want them to stay married for the long-haul having happiness, prosperity and successful relationships that thrive.
It is one thing to get married and another to STAY married.
The average marriage in the United States lasts 7 years.
That is no good.
This must change so we can build legacies and chart new dynasties for our generations to come.
“Iconic Formula For Marriage Success” is our new eCourse to train 10-20 couples to do just that.
Registration is $100 and class start June 1, 2023.
Iconic Newsletter will continue to bring you update data, current events and marriage blogpost daily.
That takes us working together and also supporting in every way possible.
So, please like, subscribe and share this content.
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And remember in everything you do, Be Iconic.
Wonderful news to be sure! Thank you!