Inspiring and Motivating Your Spouse: A 4-Step Guide to Marital Leadership
A new Iconic Series on our Marriage blueprint
Good afternoon, Icons,
I pray that you are having a great week and September.
We are working through our new series on our Marriage blueprint.
Iconic is here to encourage you.
And we pray that you are winning in life, love, marriage and family.
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Inspiring and Motivating Your Spouse: A 4-Step Guide to Marital Leadership
There has been talk in the relationship space about what the other gender is willing or not willing to do.
A key element I see missing is about leadership.
Leaders motivate and persuade others to act, in who they are.
They don’t shift blame.
They don’t complain about problems without an immediate solution.
And yet many who want to lead households and families seem oblivious to what marital leadership looks like and how do great husbands and wives lead their social empires to prosperity.
A little background: in 2010, I was promoted to a leadership position in the United States Army.
That meant that the lives and development of junior enlisted soldiers were under my care.
I had to figure out ways to motivate greatness out of them.
Most people erroneously assume that to lead in the military all we do is bark orders at our juniors, and they just blindly listen enthusiastically doing the oath that they signed to do.
And that cannot be further from the truth.
Good leaders must motivate others to do what must be done.
How do we do it?
Here are 4 steps to effective leadership that married couples can use today to motivate their spouse and win inside your relationship.
Step 1: Know What Your Vision Is
Someone cannot follow a person that does not know where they are going.
Every great business has a Vision statement. The military had its Vision and soldiers knew how to pass that vision down the chain to the newest boot camp graduate. As a military leader we are told to “Always place the mission first”. And that is because when we know what it is we are doing, those who follow us know where to go.
What is your Vision for your marriage? Where do you see yourselves in 25 years?
Men, you are called to lead in the Christian faith because God gives you the Vision. Women, wives, are you help you meet that vision; we are the help meet. We cannot help you unless we know what it is you need help with.
And Fatherly leadership is even more paramount. Read more below about how fathers can lead their children.
What guides your relations and what keeps you focused is a Vision. It is so important that we go further in our Iconic eCourse.
Want to learn how to develop your Vision and Mission plan?
Check out our “Iconic Formula for Marriage Success” eCourse going on now.
Iconic Media Academy: “The Iconic Formula for Marriage Success”: Our new Digital eCourse starts NOW
Iconic Media Presents our new course, “The Iconic Formula for Marriage Success” hosted by Nicole Pinkston aka Mrs. Pinky.
This 30-day online course will teach you and your spouse 12 foundational principles to help you map a 25-year success plan for your marriage.
Core lessons include:
How to Cultivate the Mindset for a Successful Marriage
How to Develop the Mental Fortitude to Combat Marriage Challenges
How to Develop Your Marriage’s Vision and Mission Plan
How to Practice Self-Love So You Know How Best to Love Your Spouse
How to Develop a Financial Plan for Your Social Empire’s Success
How to Develop Effective Communication Strategies Based on Your Spouse’s Preferred Methods and more!
At the end of this empowering course, you will receive:
A master blueprint for success in your marriage
An eBook accompanying the course called Iconic.
And upgrade to our Iconic Premium newsletter for 3 months.
This new course is in beta stage, and this will be the first launch.
As such, you have the opportunity to take full advantage of being among the first group to test this course and to receive lifetime access to its current and updated material.
The final course price will be $300.
Premium Course Rate: Register at the button right now for $100 and start immediately.
Step 2: Make A plan
Once you have your Vision for your family and everyone is on board, you must then make a plan to carry out that Vision.
How do you get your family where you want to be? How do you stay focused when you have a Vision?
You make plans. And it is okay to write it down in pencil because plans change. This is where your finances, you career choices, where you want to live start to take shape to support your Vision.
Need to understand more? Upgrade your Free Iconic subscription to PREMIUM and get a copy of Iconic that further explains Vision and how to get to your destination.
Step 3: Treat someone how you want to be treated.
Guiding someone is never easy. Before you can lead someone else, you have to remember who you are and why you want to help someone else.
When I was private, for example, there were some leaders I respected and some I didn’t. There were some I was ready to die for and others I did the bare minimum just to avoid. punishment.
To be an effective leader, you must first learn to follow. And remember to treat others how you want to be treated. For the spiritual law of sowing and reaping is effect.
The sowing and reaping principle applies to our relationships with one another and to our holiness. If we sow gossip, we will reap gossip; if we sow affection, we will receive affection. Substantial lag time takes place between sowing and reaping, enabling us to develop patience and dependence. Do Unto Others and Reap What We Sow (
Step 4: Remember to Serve
Leadership isn’t just about being in charge. It is about being a servant.
Servant leadership puts you in a position to help others. It isn’t about control but in making decisions for the whole family.
This type of leadership in a marriage makes sures that the entire famili’s needs are met. That includes spiritual, physical and emotional needs despite what others would have you to believe.
This means understanding where your limits are by getting more educated, by taking strategic actions towards solutions and preparing for hiccups along the way.
There are 8 characteristic of servant leaders that all married couples should follow giving by the African Sisters of Educational Collaborative:
8 Characteristics of Servant Leaders
According to the Servant Leadership Scale, there are eight dimensions of servant leadership.
Empowerment: assists others in realizing their full potential.
Accountability: holds self and others responsible for actions within their control.
Standing Back: followers are the priority and receive credit for their work.
Humility: places oneself in perspective and admits when one needs assistance.
Authenticity: is true and genuine to oneself professionally, publicly and privately.
Courage: embraces innovation, takes risks and overcomes fears.
Interpersonal Acceptance: understands the perspectives and experiences of others.
Stewardship: practices service and takes responsibility of the larger institution or society.
People have to be inspired and motivated to follow.
And that is true in marriage as well.
Effective leadership is about knowing what you want and how to get that out of others.
And belittling, bashing, and debasing fellow humans isn’t how you do it.
It takes practice, patience and love to lead a marriage into a successful union for a lifetime.
Just remember you can make it work with the right person if you remember to be Iconic.
Be a Blessing: Iconic Media Funding Campaign
Campaign Story
On October 1, 2022, I launched my newest platform, Iconic Media, as a place where new couples could come to learn how to build successful marriages.
In today’s modern world, conversations around marriages are causing people to lose faith in the institution, despite research proving its viable benefits to our communities. Very few people are delivering tools and strategies that help new couples thrive. As a result, we are witnessing more divorces and broken families.
And it’s not just happening in Black communities. We’re witnessing this downfall among other groups.
Something must change.
Back in 2022, after working with the Conscious Conservative Movement and seeing the need to produce content that empowered our social empires, I decided it was time to host nuanced conversations about marriage while incorporating aspects of the culture into my discussions.
As a result, Iconic Media was formed. Our vision is to equip men and women to build lasting iconic marriages that thrive. Our mission over the next 25 years is to help 1,000,000 new couples forget healthier, stronger relationships. And we will accomplish this mission through our Twitter Spaces, newsletter, and e-courses.
To accomplish these goals, I must first receive the training necessary to build the infrastructure. Cost for my online business development is $15,000 (or $288/week) and will occur over a 12-month time period.
I’ve currently been accepted into Coach Felecia Killings’s award-winning online coaching program called My Beloved Women’s Online Business and Virtual Ministry School. And each week, she provides me the tools I need to create the system of operations, so I manifest my God-given vision.
The Iconic Fundraising Campaign will help offset the tuition costs, and your donation of $10 or more will go directly towards my training.
Today, almost 1 year later, we still need you.
Our campaign goal has not been reached yet.
And here is your chance to be a blessing!
As a token of appreciation for your support, I have several rewards available, including access to my newest e-books and access to Iconic’s first e-course.
Thanks to your work so far Iconic Media!
If you’ve enjoyed the content I’ve shared over the last few years, and if you have grown as a result of the work I put in, help me receive the full business training I need to make Iconic Media a success.
We are 100% committed to restoring the truth about marriage because we want our nuclear families to thrive. When they thrive, communities thrive. And when communities thrive, the nation thrives.
Thank you in advance for your ongoing support.
Together, we can rebuild our families by starting at the most local level: our marriages.