Good Saturday morning, Icons,
Usually, our posts on Saturday are for Premium Subscribers only but we are in the final month of 2023 and our 200th newsletter.
There is much work to do in 2024 and we are so excited to share it with you.
And we need your help.
We are introducing new podcast episodes with guest to empower, possible guest writers, cross-posts from around SubStack to empower you in life, love, marriage and family with so much more.
Iconic is a community so spread the word and get comp referral months.
Our 200th Newsletter
Last year when I wrote the Iconic eBook marriage manual, it was to accompany an app that was through IOS and Android for our relationship world.
My intention was to create a place where we could talk, learn and grow in our relationships, marriages and families.
It bombed.
No one was signing up and no one was even writing on a timely schedule.
That’s okay. My online coach (The Conscious Conservative Podcast | Coach Felecia Killings | Substack) told me when things aren’t looking good to pivot to something else.
And we did.
Thanks to your generous donations, we were able to pivot in January over here to provide newsletters for you.
Importantly, we were able to bring our Twitter, now X, audience and “Mrs. Pinky Thoughts” podcast audience with us.
This is so exciting.
The relationship space is flooded with good and bad content. But where do individuals go for those tips to plan, coach, prepare and be intentional in our family life? They come to Iconic.
I am a full-time mom, author, disabled veteran and a marriage coach with the ambition that we can turn around our negative trajectory on marriage if we all come together, as a community.
With wise elders, veteran couples, other marriage coaches, therapist, counselors, ministers and more, we can build something uniquely different.
Love is in the air and 2024 will be full of weddings, babies, and dynamic shifts in our modern marriages, so help us God.
Our calling is to leave a legacy, something for the nation to be proud of and our social empires, an inheritance that carries on.
We can do it everyone, if we continue to be Iconic.
Thank you for newsletter 200. Stick around, we have more coming soon.
Our Iconic Media Holiday Event
Goal: over $3000 to give 200 lucky winners access to our collection.
Our December 2023 Giveaway starts now. We are giving away 200 books continuing our work from October and November to empower.
Donors receive gift depending on the package you select below.
We want to get our materials in the most hands to help others but unfortunately, everyone can’t afford it.
Our goal is 3000 by Jan 1. Let’s meet that number together.
AirForce Veteran and California Congressional Candidate Aja Smith, who is also featured in our Breaking Fear Workshop audio in the back of the book, received her prize thanks to you!
Marine Corp Veteran and New Hampshire Congressional Candidate Julian Acciard also received his gift thanks to your donations.
Be a Blessing today by clicking the button.
These are our Iconic Marriage Holiday Packages: Choose your package here.
Give $15 get 1 eBook.
Give $30 Get 3 eBooks or 1 print book.
Give $50 Get 5 eBooks or 2 print books.
Give $100 get eCourse with free coaching consultation
Give $125 get all 5 print books in our collection.
give $150 Get entire collection (books and eCourse).
Choose your package here and help us continue to build. We can’t do this without you.
2024: The Year of More
Each quarter in 2024 we will be tackling different topics that are pain points in the relationship space, keeping content themes consistent for you.
I won’t always take the popular angle so don’t be afraid to push back, add your comments, email your friends and family and jump in our interactive chat.
Our 2024 Schedule Plan for You:
Our 2024 Content schedule will be wrapped around these themes every three months,
Jan-Mar: Advice for Women and Girls
1. Balancing Expectations: Struggles and Triumphs of a Daughter Becoming a Wife
Apri-June: Parenting Tips/Tools
2. Instilling Values and Morals: Raising an Iconic Kid with Integrity
July-Sept: Secure relationships
3. Building Healthy Relationships: Constructing Boundaries That Last
Oct-Dec: Selfless Service
4. Nurturing Selflessness: A Pathway to a Stronger Marriage
Newsletters will still go out as often as possible to increase the resources we are giving others and to solidify us as the number one hub for marriage success and empower.
Iconic is a community after all because of all of you.
Our Iconic Holiday Collection is Here: Save 15% Off Entire Website with FREE Shipping.
It’s cooler weather and Christmas Season is upon us!
Just for you, we have a sale over at our “Mrs. Pinky Thoughts Merch shop”.
When you shop with us, you make all our Iconic dreams possible, including yours.
Choose and Save 15% Off Entire Website with FREE Shipping.
There are 3 days left to save and get orders in for the holiday season.
We have stuffed animals, beanies, caps and more alongside our hoodies and sweatpants in stock.
All links to shop are available on the front page of Iconic.
Check us spreading the Iconic Marriage message Elsewhere:
Iconic Media Coaching: Our new 1 on 1 Couples Zoom Consultation
We are now accepting 10 new clients for coaching in life, love, marriage and family.
Some topics include but aren’t limited to:
Are you unsure how to start homeschooling?
Are you wanting to figure out communication issues in your marriage?
Do you want to try gentle parenting or have questions about parenting styles?
Get personalized help, below.
The Iconic Media Coaching Branch has openings for 1-hour consultations for you and/or your spouse at $100.
Payment is required during scheduling.
Space is limited.
If you are interested, please click the button below and schedule your consultation.