Good afternoon, Icons,
I hope all is well with you.
We are moving in a new direction for the next two weeks focusing content on fear.
As you guys already know, my first eBook was “Breaking Fear” a story of me wanting to die because of my devastation of losing our 1st child.
But fear is deeper than that.
Fear dominates our society and controls the masses.
We hope to inspire you to win over fear and reach your goals in life, love, marriage and family.
Overcoming the Paralysis of Fear: Unleashing Your True Potential
Fear steals, kills and destroys.
And I am not talking about the honorary fear of the Lord that we have as his children.
I am talking about our internal fear that keeps us from our true potential.
Fear can and will destroy us if we allow it.
Fears in the form of phobias cripple some of us to the point we cannot move.
It literally paralyses us.
When we are afraid, we cannot see the impossible. Our fear controls our minds and keeps us stuck.
And that is the opposite of being Iconic.
What is fear?
According to psychology research, fear is a primal emotion that involves a universal biochemical response and a high individual emotional response. Fear alerts us to the presence of danger or the threat of harm, whether that danger is physical or psychological. Fear: Definition, Traits, Causes, Treatment (
Fear is not necessarily a bad thing under some conditions.
It can tell us when something is wrong.
It is our response to fear that can create problems for us.
When we are controlled by it and that control has negative impact on our lives, we will never do the things we were born to do.
What causes fear?
Fear is incredibly complex and there is no single, primary cause.4 Some fears may result from experiences or trauma, while others may represent a fear of something else entirely, such as a loss of control. Still, other fears may occur because they cause physical symptoms, such as being afraid of heights because they make you feel dizzy and sick to your stomach.
Fear: Definition, Traits, Causes, Treatment (
We don’t know exactly what causes it. We have ideas that it was created to protect us at first, but some fears develop in some and not others.
Fear can come out of nowhere or we can have it from birth.
I am afraid of drowning, heights, insects and bugs.
I get a physical reaction when I am somewhere high that is difficult to explain.
Fear controls some decisions I make because of these phobias.
It is that strong in many of us.
Breaking Fear: Anniversary Remaster
September 4, 2023, will be the one-year anniversary of “Breaking Fear”, my very first eBook. And we are rereleasing it with an amazing new chapter and 4 powerful interviews from social media influencers telling their own inspiring stories.
This new chapter when talk about when fear crept in my life again and how I had to use my miscarriage incident as a springboard to overcome fear once more.
Four social media influencers grace our Twitter Spaces talking about all kinds of fears like prison, being in the evangelical spaces, fighting a criminal case and running for office.
When you become a Premium member at Iconic today, you get on the pre-order list for an eCopy when it drops.
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How does this help us when dealing in the social spaces?
Fear can control our every move.
It can guide our decisions and cause us to stall on upward mobility, even who we seek and choose as a mate.
Fear is that powerful.
The fear of marriage is a real thing and not taken lightly by those who have it.
Gamophobia is a fear of marriage and commitment.1 It is characterized by feelings of excessive and persistent fear of being in a relationship, making a commitment, or getting married. It can make it difficult to form relationships with other people and interfere with a person's ability to function normally in their daily life. Gamophobia: The Fear of Marriage and Commitment (
Fear causes real life symptoms like dizziness, lightheadedness and excessive sweating.
Fear can cause avoidance and other displays of paranoia including those that can be harmful to others.
Fear also focuses on many issues.
In the book, “Outwitting the Devil” by Napoleon Hill, author of “Think and Grow Rick”, he talks to the “devil” about fear.
He, the devil, tells us about six fears he uses as the tools the devil use to control 98% of humanity.
Think about that, the devil using fear to control the vast majority of us.
This week as we discuss fear, we cover these 6 in individual posts:
The fear of poverty
The fear of criticism
The fear of ill health
The fear of loss of love
The fear of old age
The fear of death
Unleashing Your True Potential
Fear does not have to break you.
You must break fears in order to win.
There are fears that come in many forms and yet it is not our end.
How do we unleash the potential we have?
We have faith.
Faith is the opposite of fear.
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11: 1 NIV
Faith is confidence.
When we exercise true faith, fear has no home. Fear cannot penetrate our mind because we know what we believe in and in that reassurance, we find peace.
Other ways to fight fear:
Cognitive behavioral Therapy
Exposure Therapy
Take Care of Yourself
Understand why you have Fear
Educate Yourself on Fear, Your Personal Fears and Yourself
When your fear has no more hold on you, you can overcome anything and do the impossible.
The statistics we share here at Iconic are only for reference, so you know how to move forward.
They aren’t to bound you to a certain life and situation.
Unlock your own potential and what you were born to do.
Break Fear and Be Iconic.
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