Redemption in Action: They Will Enter Ahead of You
Day 2 of Our Iconic Women's Empowerment Series
Good evening, Icons,
Today we are continuing our Women’s empowerment series, and we hope the work blesses you.
We are doing something bigger in 2024 and we need all hands-on deck to do this good work.
Are you reaching your goals in 2024? I hope so. Write them down, make sure they are measurable and get to work.
We pray you reach your 2024 goals in life, love, marriage and family.
This is day 2 of our Women’s Empowerment Series.
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Redemption in Action: They Will Enter Ahead of You
Over on the social media app X, there has been a stark contrast from the information that I do here and what people are selling to women there.
The majority of the popular accounts are bent on telling us women that something is wrong in us, that you are not enough, that your pasts define our future.
All lies.
And what is worst is that many claim to be Christians and believe in the Good News that tells us that we are forgiven and bought with a price!
We don’t do that here.
In this empowerment series, I want to leave you with the power to do more, the courage to be intentional in your marriage and to understand that womanhood is not second-class citizenship on this planet nor are we lesser than our brothers.
We pull today’s lesson from Jesus again in the book of Matthew. This is the parable of the Two Sons.
28 But what think ye? A man had two [h]sons; and he came to the first, and said, [i]Son, go work to-day in the vineyard. 29 And he answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented himself, and went. 30 And he came to the second and said likewise. And he answered and said, I go, sir: and went not. 31 Which of the two did the will of his father? They say, The first. Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, that the [j]publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. 32 For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not; but the [k]publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye saw it, did not even repent yourselves afterward, that ye might believe him. Mattews 28-32
The Price of Accountability.
There is a subset of individuals who use the Christian pulpit to devalue women in whom they deem unworthy. Adulteress, prostitutes, whore, sluts and whatever derogatory names they can think of need their attention and constant scolding, for accountability.
But is that how Christ handled the promiscuous?
In this passage, Christ does the opposite. And he lets these priests know that because of their lack of faith they won’t make it into heaven ahead of the publicans and the harlots!
Harsh words.
Those who think that they are doing the Lord’s work while God is looking at those considered lesser than because their sins are known, visible or obvious.
But in the Bible, we have a slew of people that God used to do His Will that modern culture may chastise.
David, Noah, Paul and more are flawed humans who Christ was able to use in the grand plan. (You don’t have to be perfect to have a God-given Vision or call).
And that is the point of this parable. The son that did the will of his father, even hesitant, did right while the other said he would and did not.
Yet, Jesus never once said that any of these sinners that he encountered where okay to continue to sin.
Accountability isn’t what’s missing. We get it. You want people to do wrong to be held to account. But why do we stop there or focus on that at all?
Does a harlot or prostitute not know what they do is wrong and do it anyway? These are adults here. They know sex work is considered taboo and even evil that they shall parish.
Importantly, what people aren’t getting is that they don’t have to continue in this way. That there is a better way to make money, to find love, and to be in the Lords are. That they are free in Christ. That they can choose not to, freely. Not because they were shamed and hounded into doing it.
They aren’t lesser than because they’ve sin! They are being looked at by whether they do the will of the Lord.
We are bought with a price, so our body is no longer our own. 1 Corinthians 6:20 When we accept thsi story, we can freely give up ourselves to Christ and sin has no longer hold on us. Not because someone yelled us but because of the finished work on the Cross.
You mattered that much. Not to shame, but to die for.
They are selling themselves short and while the people who are holding them accountable are rushing to do, they are in the back of the line.
These types are getting ahead.
He didn’t say sin was okay and in fact, died so that we could be forgiven.
They Will Enter Ahead of You
Christ was making a point that those we don’t consider worthy like priest, minsters, etc., could be doing better in their journey to salvation than us.
Your past does not define you and the need for accountability doesn’t make you lesser than.
You are an individual and your journey is not static. You deserve redemption if you repent and sin no more!
There is a chance to get it right! And that is an amazing thing.
Just because you messed up, made a mistake, got sick or even if you intentionally sinned doesn’t mean you cannot turn and make it all right.
The folks who look the least religious will enter God’s kingdom ahead of religious leaders, because in the end they do God’s will. Parable of the Two Sons (Matthew 21:28-32) | Theology of Work
Our actions speak louder than our words. The one son was ready to say yes and didn’t show up.
There are women like you who have done things here and there but rather let it all go down because those around you make you feel horrible.
I was there. I wanted to die in 2010, because I felt unworthy to continue in my life. I Have been raped, I have been sick, I have gain weight, I have lots of issues and then I lost our son.
It was too much for me to bare.
But God! I didn’t have to keep carrying this burden alone. He gave me my husband who woke me up by asking me to consider that this is not the end for me.
That is what today’s message is. It is a message of more. Of being more than your story has set out. To give you the encouragement to go and sin no more, with wisdom now from the lessons you’ve learned.
Your promiscuity, your clothing, your loudmouth, your whatever will not stop your future.
You are bought with a price that gives you a shot to get it right. You are the hope that salvation was given for.
And don’t let anyone tell you differently.
What you do with this empowering message is on you.
Doing the Work
Now, let us not get caught up in the fact that Christ says that the tax collectors and harlots will go ahead only.
There is more. The reason why he said they would go, because they do the will of God.
Are people who are promiscuous and politicians or others doing God’s Will?
Are you? You shouldn’t need the conviction of strangers on social media, the opinions of blog writers or others to let you know what God’s Will for your life is.
You should be actively seeking to do HIs will and then what the world calls you is of little importance.
When you actively seek God and do His Will, you’ll repent of your sins and be transformed.
This doesn’t mean you won’t mess up. It doesn’t mean you are perfect. And it doesn’t mean you will get everything you want.
Dear ladies, you are enough. Now it is time in that belief that you do more in that.
Be empowered to do your God-given work. And in everything you do, you be Iconic.
Don’t Give UP: Our Iconic Campaign Work
On January 27, Iconic Media is partnering with the Conscious Conservative Movement to you our offline work.
We are giving 25 print copies out to locals in the Atlanta, GA area at our Black Homeschooling Event to empower local parents in homeschooling and in marriage.
And we need you.
Support our Iconic Outreach Campaign today and get a copy of our 4th eBook as a reward.
We are showing up to do more offline to empower households nationwide.
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So well put, Mrs. Pinky! The toxic poison of social media has really gained momentum. A lot of people throwing mud at each other. Women and single mothers are an easy target (just one of many).
A lot of ppl are excited to judge and cancel others. Few are living a radiant and prosperous life that can truly serve as an example. Thanks for sharing your light with others who are desperately lost and in need. Love!