Repost: The Importance of Meeting Your Spouse's Emotional Needs
Destroying Media Marital Myths to Help You Win
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Repost: Reiterating The Importance of Meeting Your Spouse’s Emotional Needs
All weekend I have been addressing emotional needs as a topic because someone said that husband’s do not need to meet the emotional needs of wives. That’s the type of new media that has sprung up from the “trad wives” corner of social media.
This type of media talks about traditionalism and hides lies behind that descriptor.
That is a lie from the pit.
They even go so far as to say it is not in the bible.
So, ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. Ephesians 5:28-30
A man that nourishes and cherishes himself will do everything in kind for his woman.
He is human; therefore, he has emotional needs too. So, if his own emotional needs must be met, like he must eat to live, then that means his wives needs are to be met as well.
Men are not just pack mules to provide money and strength in marriage.
Husbands are the bond that holds the family. His job is to set tone and to lead.
Effective leaders have high emotional intelligence meaning they recognize that those they lead are emotional beings with feelings and they must meet them in order to get good work from them.
By building your EQ, you’ll have the sensitivity that each of us is always seeking in a significant other. You’ll automatically sense, through active awareness and empathy, the little shifts in the dynamics of your romance that signal a need for action. Emotional Intelligence in Love and Relationships -
The same is in marriage. For women to work in their role as the helper of the household, they need their emotional needs met.
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What are emotional needs?
These are the basic needs every human has.
Emotional needs are things like affections, attention, appreciation, adoration and love.
Children need this from parents.
Work colleagues need basically to feel wanted by their boss.
It is not “hard” to figure out the emotional needs of women/wives and for a woman to say this means her own needs are not being met because she does not know they should be or what they are.
And that is not okay.
When our emotional needs are not met, we grow in anger, resentment, and frustration. That is then seeps into our heart and we look for the first door to divorce.
Too many podcasters like to opine that women are the ones initiating divorce.
But most times, the wife has tried to salvage the relationship, state her needs and more to deaf ears. (I know this isn’t always the case).
But now females who want a part of the podcasting pie lie to their audiences that husbands don’t need to be emotionally bonded to their wives.
If you cannot be vulnerable with your wife, who can you be with?
I am not saying to be emotional at work, with friends or even crying all over the place.
Meeting the emotional needs of your mate is the bare minimum of showing you love them.
Where is the disconnect?
Modern feminism bamboozled women into believing they did not need men. And men are now responding in kind the same way, to say they do not need women.
That has lead some to say doing not to do anything they believe to be feminine, like emotions.
But we all have emotions.
The true answer is not each gender going their own way to figure out life but for us to work together.
Men and women work best interdependent with each other being the strength we each need to successfully navigate this life and win.
World leaders would love nothing more for us to be apart.
We can see that with our child birthrates falling, our children crying out for help with higher mental health issues and communities falling apart.
We have the potential to attain the kind of love we all dream of—deep intimacy and mutual kindness, real committed, soulful caring—simply because of empathy and our innate ability to share emotional experience. But to achieve those relationship goals, we need all the skills of a high EQ:
astute emotional awareness to avoid mistaking infatuation or lust for lasting love
acceptance to experience emotions that could harm a relationship if left to fester, and
vigilant active awareness to apprise us of what’s working and what isn’t.
Emotional Intelligence in Love and Relationships -
This is not complicated. The idea that men do not need to meet the emotional needs of their spouse is wrong.
Watch out for false information out there that keeps you from really achieving the types of Iconic marriages that foster healthy and happy emotional stability, appreciation and love.
Just because something is called “traditional” does not mean it is accurate. In fact, much of the reason most traditional things aren’t done anymore is because they weren’t good. They died off for a reason.
Meeting emotional needs is not knew. It is a part of a healthy marriage.
Make sure to be in tune with the emotional needs of those you love and those around you.
It makes for an Iconic love that is built to last.
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