Good morning, Icons,
We pray all is well with you and yours.
Are you reaching your goals for 2024? We pray that you do in life, love, marriage and family.
We take a short break in our Women’s Empower Series to talk to you about some more marriage data and our offline work.
Remember Iconic is a community because of you so please spread our message far and wide by giving us a like, share this post, and tell us how we are doing in the comments below.
Showing Up Offline: Spreading the Iconic Message
Last week, we came to you with some marriage data from Pew Research about public sentiment about marriage.
My coach
stays visiting Pew and using the data for her political and social work advising her Beloved audience to do the same. So I went to go look.We also told you that data is looking up in the Black community that newsletter posted below.
Now we have more information to bring to you about Black Americans specifically from the January 17, 2024. Facts About the U.S. Black Population | Pew Research Center
Usually, when the public still discusses Black fatherless or single-parent homes as talking points, rarely do they ever go back to the data to see if any trends or changes has occurred.
But, Iconic Media has you covered.
Approximately, 14, 500,000 Black married couples now overtake the single female householder statistic at a whopping 38% instead of the 11,800,000 at 31%.
The old data of 68% of unmarried household is no more.
Specifically, this particular data next to the data from last week is very promising. We are heading the in the right direction in this community.
What does this mean? It means that 4 in 10 Black households are two-parent!!!
It has remained steady despite any of the contributing factors that use to be an issue.
The is hope in the marriage space.
We can do better.
While I will celebrate the significance of these numbers, I know how easily it for people to go backwards. I have seen marriages fall apart in real life. I’ve seen the devastation on the individuals involved and the children. It is still not pretty.
The other data that shows 40% of Americans being pessimistic about marriage is still staggering. It is a large chunk of the populace not in a good mood about a lasting institution. It has changed significantly.
We don’t know from numbers alone why this is, but we can make all kinds of guess that would just be that, a guess.
What I can say is that this is not good. Just like I told the ladies last week about self-confidence is that you must believe something can be done before you do it!
We can never reverse the negative sentiments about marriage and all the work that entails until we first believe it can be done.
And we don’t need to wait on government, celebrate telethons or anything.
The power to effect change is in us. That is being Iconic.
Don’t Give Up.
Sentiment about marriage is down across the country. I say, we can change that.
Marriage is a life hack when done right with the right person.
Something can be done about marriage views, winning for families, reshaping, rebuilding and restoring our institution today, when you give.
Support our Iconic work and our most recent campaign for our next book the Iconic Formula for Marriage Success and/or our 1st campaign event to give away copies of our book “Don’t Give Up” to locals in Atlanta GA.
Why this way specifically? Because it allows us online and offline access to where our help can be used the most.
Many of our cities get left out of the help in the social and political space.
Many have given up on the people in urban America.
Progressivism’s destruction has left American citizens with death, poverty and destruction to clean up for a feckless government that does this by overregulation, taxation and fees.
How specifically? We are partnering with the Conscious Conservative Movement who is informing parents about homeschooling, something we also did in our online series, and we are ready to do work at the local level where politics matters by giving out 3,000+ copies of this exact 6th book to the communities for free with your donations.
Join in with your support as a donation of $25 or more, get rewards. Click below.
Get the 1 on 1 Coaching Your Need to Be Your Best Self with our Iconic Coaching Program
We are now accepting 10 new clients for coaching in life, love, marriage and family.
Some topics include but aren’t limited to:
Are you unsure how to start homeschooling?
Are you wanting to figure out communication issues in your marriage?
Do you need help in family planning?
Get personalized help, below.
The Iconic Media Coaching Branch has openings for 1-hour consultations for you and/or your spouse at $100.
Payment is required during scheduling.
Space is limited.
If you are interested, please click the button below and schedule your consultation.