Strategies for Nurturing Mental Health in Your Marriage: A New App that Can Help
A new Iconic Series on our Marriage Blueprint
Good Thursday, Icons
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Strategies for Nurturing Mental Health in Your Marriage: A New App that Can Help
Americans are going through a lot mentally right now.
Possible war, inflation and even aliens.
We are bogged down by stuff on all sides that our mental health is taking a hit.
As we have mentioned before on this app, if you are going through something make sure you reach out.
The new National Suicide and Crisis Hotline is 988. Help is available now.
Importantly, as I was on Twitter, I came across this Tweet by former Libertarian VP Candidate Spike Cohen that hit hard.
As we are working to empower men and women to build social empires, when we get any information that will help our Icons be better, we will share it.
This was his post about his friend’s new app WhiteFlag.
Spike Cohen on X: "This man's name is Jonny McCoy, and what happened to him is impacting the lives of millions. In 2009, Jonny was out with a friend in Columbia SC where he was working as a corporate lawyer, when police officers began to arrest his friend. Police claimed that his friend was…" / X (
Please go to the X post to read the full story.
4 Mental Health Strategies for Marriage
Marriage doesn’t make mental health issues going away. WhiteFlag CEO and Founder Jonny McCoy probably would be first to tell you.
Here are strategies to help you including his work on the new anonymous mental health app that is changing the game:
Admit You have a Problem
The First step to dealing with a mental health crisis is admitting you have a problem. Even if you don’t know exactly what that problem is, admitting something isn’t right with you, helps you get better. That could mean being honest about destructive or irregular habits even if you think you are justified at the time.
Get Help
Substance abuse, angry outburst and violence doesn’t solve your mental health issues. When mental health episodes interrupt a rather normal routine life, seek out help. There are millions of people paid to make sure you get the help you need. If you don’t trust orgs like the Veterans Administration to help, reach out to other like the 988 or people over at Jonny McCoy’s X page, church leaders, community organizations or more.
Include Your Spouse
Your spouse knows you better than most and is there through this with you. Use them as a resource and support for your situation. If you think you are in danger, get to a safe place. But if your problems have nothing to do with them remember they are a help to you. Be understanding, forgiving, gracious to those in your life who have the courage to tell you something is wrong and ask what to do next.
Get Educated
You may assume that your excessive sleepiness and irritability might be your job, but it could be depression. Those recurring nightmares that keep you up could be anxiety or PTSD. The grief of a passing loved one is normal but not going through the stages or being stuck might not be. Read blog posts, newsletters, watch videos and read books to educate yourself and become aware of mental illness.
Never try to self diagnose.
There are professionals trained to identify and treat mental health issues and episodes. If you feel they aren’t doing a good job, being your own advocate and fight for your rights to be seen and heard. Seek out a second or third opinion. Ask for financial assistance if you don’t have insurance or know how to pay.
For more information on the WhiteFlag App and how you can invest click here:
We have addressed mental health a number of times on this newsletter and want to keep you informed.
More Mental Health newsletters to empower:
5 Impactful Mental Health Tools to Survive Marriage | by Nicole Pinkston
Iconic Media News: The Mental Fortitude for Marriage and 5 Areas We Impact Change | by Nicole Pinkston
Strong Dad June: It’s Men’s Health Month, New Podcast Drop Season 7 Episode 5| by Nicole Pinkston
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