The 14 Most Common Traits in Happily Married Couples
Happy Friday Icons,
We are finishing up love week with way that you can have an Iconic marriage.
Today’s lesson comes from you, about traits found common amongst those who consider themselves in healthy and happy relationships.
Our aim here is to empower you in life, love, marriage and family that it is possible to succeed and those who are tell us about it.
Have a wonderful day and holiday weekend.
The 14 Most Common Traits in Happily Married Couples
My goal is not just to lay out what I think but to push conversations among married and single people in order to glean information so we can reverse the high divorce rate, help newly weds and keep us all maintaining our marriages at the same time. In doing so, I ask my Twitter Icons questions to get their unfiltered opinions.
You have delivered and you are awesome. I thank you. Here is my question:
Your responses are here!
Common Trait #1: Healthy Sex Life
A healthy sex life is of utmost importance. It is a part of the entire marriage package. Health includes physical, mental and spiritual strength that takes constant communication, fitness and medical checkups. Sexual communication is a form of intimacy that can make or break a couple. Talking about issues, frequency and child is a must. Please stay up-to-date on testing that can spot problems early on.
Common Trait #2: Flexibility and Positivity
Marriage is two unique people trying to make it work. You have to be positive and also flexible with the fact that no two people are alike, not even twins, so things ebb and flow. Compromise, remembering your vows and being able to see a different perspective goes a long way to a lifetime of love.
Common Trait #3: Honesty
Trust is the foundation of any relationship. Lies, secrets and deceit are not how you build a strong base to be with your spouse. This person is going to see you through your good and bad, so to stay successful being open and honest lets you both know each other, work together and fix whatever problems come your way.
Common Trait #4: Commitment to Their Well-Being

Through sickness and health means something. When you signed up for the job, that means to help when they are not feeling well, to protect your household, taking finances seriously and being the support, each other needs. Trying times and happy times all matter in the commitment. If you only want to be around when its smiles, don’t even get married.
Today’s Lessons are sponsored by my 3rd eBook “Mrs. Pinky’s Thoughts” a new eBook for you today with a $15 or more donation that helps us content to push out content.
The books aim is to give you a revisit of some of my political opinions and to end that chapter of my work as I shift to work to inspire couples to greatness.
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Common Trait #5: Accepting Human Flaws
When we say we love, that means we accept our other as they are. Whether they are loud, or forget to fold laundry, the flaws are the little things that make them unique. You have quirks too, so remember that when you want to nitpick something they do. A flaw is not the same as a red flag like domestic violence, drug abuse, stealing or illegal activity. Do not let the “accept me for who I am” make you tolerate intolerable behaviors.
Common Trait #6: Gratitude
Being in the spirit of thanksgiving makes people feel loved and appreciated. No one wants their actions and work in the marriage, family and home to go unnoticed. It does not have to be grandiose gestures or expense gifts but just a sense that you know that your spouse is thankful for your presence in their life.
Common Trait #7: Forgiveness
Marriage. com a bunch of answers for marriage woes and even counseling help, they say about forgiveness:
The idea of forgiving your partner who hurt you or made you angry can be the hardest thing to implement in a relationship. Letting go of your partner’s misdeeds necessitates you to let go of your resentment against them.
Common Trait #8: Sacrifice
Putting the needs of your spouse and family above your own takes sacrifice. But it isn’t the kind that is selfish but selfless. You are willing to put them first. That doesn’t mean you ignore your own needs but that you are willing to forgo something to balance it all out.
Common Trait #9: Self-Awareness
Understanding the need for self-awareness is important. Many broken up individuals spent a lot of time talking about what the other did or did not do. But you have to be aware of your own actions. You can only control yourself. A lack of self-awareness will prevent you from improving. No one again is perfect, even you.
Most people don’t acknowledge their own flaws because they are afraid. They allow fear to keep them trapped in a cycle of blaming the world for everything.
Let us stop being afraid. And I teach you how with 5 tips in my 2nd eBook, “Breaking Fear”, just $10 over at “Iconic” funding website.
This is what a reader had to say:
Common Trait #10: A Shared Worldview
When Jesus talked about being unequally yoked the point was that in this situation, the two oxen would fight against each other. When building a strong marriage, the two individuals need to have a shared vision. Find your common ground or find someone else.
Common Trait #11: Patience
Patience is a virtue for a reason. We are married for life. That means we do not have to rush each other to improve, fix things, or be who they are destined to be. Patience means waiting and giving people time. It doesn’t mean you linger things for years but expect a problem mentioned today to be fixed tomorrow is unrealistic.
Common Trait #12: Friendship
Having a genuine life for your spouse goes a long way. That annoying laugh becomes as sound you want to hear, you take on some of their hobbies, you sit with them while they play games. An authentic friend and wanting them around means you enjoy them in your life and aren’t just tolerating them around. Remember Iconic, is for lasting, thriving relationships not just pairing people up. To be Iconic is to be happy, healthy and free in your love.
Common Trait #13: Protect your Business
No one knows the innerworkings of your marriage like the two of you. Gossiping or venting to people can backfire. If you need real help, go get it from therapy. Your business should ultimately be yours and you handle what you need to take care of yourselves.
Common Trait #14: Teamwork
My husband forgot to do something today, so I handled it while he went to work. Working as a team helps take the load of the other. Remember, you can do “bad by yourself and you don’t need help starving to death”. The reason you are with someone is to build. Not to have someone else that adds to your issues.
A happy marriage is possible when you remember why you loved and wanted to be with that person. There are common traits among happy couples that can empower you to be with someone who treats you right, lets you treat them right and that you guys are building something that lasts.
You can have an Iconic marriage
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