The Plot Against Families: The Power of Empowered Men
Day 5 of our Iconic Men's Empowerment Series
Good morning, Icons,
We are back with our Men’s Empowerment series. We pray that you reach your goals this week.
Our aim is to empower you in life, love, marriage and family.
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The Plot Against Families: The Power of Empowered Men
From the female 4B movement from Korean women that is lowering their birth rate, to the American male Men going their own way (MGTOW) movement, many are done with dating and marriage.
This is going as planned.
Yes, a coordinated plot by those in power to destroy the nuclear family. In fact, it was not a spark of genius in the feminist, the men that are walking away or the millennials who just do not want a lot of kids.
It was all a plan.
While the gender wars, generational wars and political pundits fight each other, no one is talking about the effective propaganda shaping American culture; one that devalues the nuclear household.
Again, everyone talks about the symptoms: crime, fatherlessness, voting patterns, the prison population.
It is something more devious, more sinister and it was on purpose.
TIME on Twitter: "Rich countries don't want their populations to shrink. But that could be good for the planet Time's article / Twitter
Time Magazine just dropped an article talking about depopulation and why it was “good”. You guessed it, we are the carbon that needs to be reduced.
This is not a post about whether climate change is or isn’t a thing. It is about the concerted effort to reduce our numbers. This plan sounds very familiar.
Oh, Marvel’s Supervillain Thanos snapped to do just that.
What does this have to do with men’s empowerment? Everything.
If you are going to lead yourself, build a marriage or family, you must know what you are up against. Sadly, the American population has fully ignored our government’s big hand in these issues and stays distracted with point fingers between citizens.
In fact, it was all in the same time span. How? Just a few things happened at around the same time:
1970 Department of EPA by Nixon
1973 Roe v Wade Decision that lasted 50 years.
1970s Feminist burning bras
1970s Critical Theory and Critical Race Theory begins in academia.
19070s-1980s rise in single parent homes
Development of the Department of Education
Importantly, the results are less relationships and smaller families converge at the same timeframe. We in 2024 are dealing with the fallout from that. A 50-year-old problem means we have data now to show the results.
Researchers at the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation showed the global fertility rate nearly halved to 2.4 in 2017 - and their study, published in the Lancet, projects it will fall below 1.7 by 2100.
Plot examples about broken families and less kids: wars, transgender sterilization treatments, vaccines, economic and more.
Big Pharm, Big Tech, Big Academia, Big Agriculture, Big Media, and Big Government all work together to try to control the planet. The globalization push is said to be environmental, but the real goal is to reduce our numbers.
The Gigantic government is working, towards its own goals, not ours.
Dr Paul Erlich and his book “the Population Bomb” written in 1968 is a fear propaganda book. Its goal was to push that the planet would be doomed by 1990 if we did not decrease the population. (The population bomb : Ehrlich, Paul R : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive)
Watch more here:
How many times can you count on your hand the government experts, media or some other organization telling you that if we don’t “act now” Earth would be destroyed? Sounds like they want us fearful. Why? Because we are motivated to act in fear.
Instead, we need men to lead the way to more prosperity, more families and better communities. We need men that will push back, challenge the narratives and create a healthy society.
Men make several contributions to family life, including1:
Taking economic responsibility for children
Building a caring relationship with children
Reducing the chances of 'unpartnered fertility'
Ensuring gender equality in the family
In the meantime, as stated above, the lack of stable homes, the high crime, the increase of single motherhood and the decreased birthrate all are symptoms of a plot. Opposite of God’s command to be fruitful and multiply, our numbers are falling.
Funny that.
Paul did not just write about the issue, but he gave the entire plot away: He told us.
Don’t worry. Another man stepped up named Simon to bet Erlich about his overpopulation hypothesis.
Erlich, was wrong about a lot. He lost the bet, too. But his plot worked.
As you seen throughout this post, population figures are decreasing. The movements were men and women are walking away are exploding. The talk about marriage is dwindling.
While we can flail our arms and be outraged on social media, the results of their push and the government policies with social implications are already here.
We continually think that the American citizen against citizen is the issue and in fact, it was an entire plan before some of us were even born.
The nuclear family was destroyed by experts through numerous channels including our academia, more movements and less stable families.
I saw an account on Twitter yesterday called “Stop Having Kids” as if the idea is new. It is not. The communication and propaganda to control our births was flawed. Is our economy better for it? Have the wars stopped? Has the climate improved? No.
Erlich and people like him, can be consistently dragged in the opinions of the public for being wrong on so much, YET the plot is here. He has worked in government for 50 years and even has an X app account. His err did not stop his money, his fame or him helping make government policy. The man suffers no consequences for being wrong, we did.
Families are falling apart; couples are cohabitation, fights online has never been higher.
American culture was sacrificed. Call me a conspiracy theory if you wish, but the results are in and it ain’t good.
The same media is telling us the outcome of the plot:
America's Biggest Issues: Why the Declining Marriage Rate Affects Everyone (
Around the World, Marriage Is Declining, Singles Are Rising | Psychology Today
The entire plot was to depopulate!

So, while we fight amongst ourselves over LGTBQIA culture, woke culture, racism, sexism, feminism, Marxism and all the other things, know that a lot of what is happening happened as intended.
Although marriage numbers are going back, I’d like Iconic to take some credit for this, the overall trend is still down.
What can we do?
We can take back our power. Men can step back into leadership roles growing their families, mentoring young men, doing work in the community, and educating the masses. They can choose wives who align with this vision and that will help them build.
Men can take back their place as the head by showing up in areas that need you.
Specifically, when you think about why you feel what you do and try to jump into a lot of the relationship narratives, books, coaching and such, realize that it all comes down to the individuals in the relationship.
We don’t have to conform to the agendas, the narratives or the organizing pushed on us. We can fall in love; we can be intentional, and we can plan our social empires to thrive.
Iconic is here to help.
The news isn’t all bad. Since, 2000 the divorce rate has been trending down and precovid marriage levels are up again. The work is working.
We give you the latest in advice, tools and truth about how we got to where we are as a country so that we can then start to heal.
The beauty of all of this is that we have 50 years of data to prove these experts wrong and to show up as a counterculture to present the fact.
In the article below, read how marriages still work.
Financially, spiritually, politically, and socially, marriage is still a good thing.
The powers that have other agenda and it is up to us to know how to combat them on the battlefield of idea.
We must show up ready for change. First, stop wasting time telling and show how it. Then, promote groups that push positive marriage content, the beauty of having babies, and how to do it effectively.
When we volunteer, we leave an important legacy that reverses what happened for the better.
When men see the plot to destroy our families, they will realize what to do. There has been no generation of men that failed to save this nation. We can do it together.
That is Iconic.
PRE-ORDER “Dating with Purpose: Iconic Dating Strategies in Finding lasting love and Meaning"
Our newest Book, “Dating with Purpose: Iconic Dating Strategies in finding lasting love and meaning” will drop this year.
The reason? Too many people will tell you what is wrong with modern dating. They say the dating pool has poo in it, the opposite gender is impossible to deal with, and walking away seems like an answer.
Yet, where do people go who want to find love? Iconic has you covered.
Our 7th book is your manual and preorders are going on now.
Dual books are coming out in 2024 for Iconic dating and marriage strategies. We're providing resources in real-time.
This book will:
Bust modern dating myths.
Give Modern honest solutions.
Real-world answers.
Didn’t preorder book 6? You can now get both for $40 (a $10 discount) right now at:$mrspinky85
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Iconic Formula for Marriage Success
Yes, two books this year. Book six is the Iconic Formula for Mariage Success.
It is based on our 12-step, 30-day marriage course of the same name.
Our Iconic Campaign is Bigger than Ever!
The Iconic Story:
On October 1, 2022, I, Marriage Coach Nicole Pinkston launched the Iconic Media organization to empower men and women to build social empires that thrive.
Thriving is different from lasting. We don't just want to couple people up, we want couples that are flourishing, building generational wealth and lasting in love, marriage, family and in their lives.
Social empires are our family structures set up to maintain our families and our legacy regardless of the society around us. And we are in trouble, because our structures are crumbling.
We aim to change that!
I have been married for 12 years and it has not always been easy. Even with being a combat veteran and a trained soldier, marriage was tough in the beginning for us, even with Biblical principles in mind.
Do you or someone you know want to have a happy and lasting marriage? Do you want to learn the secrets of successful couples and great stories of those who overcome the challenges of life together? Do you want to get a marriage book with the secret formula or more?
IF you answered yes to any of these questions, then you have come to the right place.
We are writing "The Iconic Formula for Marriage Success", our 6th book!
What is this book about?
The Iconic Formula for Marriage Success” eBook written by Nicole Pinkston aka Mrs. Pinky will follow these ideas of our eCourse of the same name teaching you and your spouse 12 foundational principles to help you map a 25-year success plan for your marriage.
Chapters lessons include:
How to Cultivate the Mindset for a Successful Marriage
How to Develop the Mental Fortitude to Combat Marriage Challenges
How to Develop Your Marriage’s Vision and Mission Plan
How to Practice Self-Love So You Know How Best to Love Your Spouse
How to Develop a Financial Plan for Your Social Empire’s Success
How to Develop Effective Communication Strategies Based on Your Spouse’s Preferred Methods and more!
This is our blueprint. And I mean our, because this is a collective effort from us to build up our local families, then our communities and our nation.
We are the answer to today's marriage woes.