The Power of Self-Care: Thriving in the Midst of Narcissistic Relationships
Day 5 of our Iconic Women's Empowerment Series
Good morning, Icons,
It is giving Tuesday, and we are here to give you the latest empowerment message
as part of our Women’s empowerment Series for 2024.
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The Power of Self-Care: Thriving in the Midst of Narcissistic Relationships
We’ve heard the word narcissism thrown around a lot and there are many people online that can talk to you about living with someone who is a diagnosis narcissist with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).
But how does this tie in to all of our current topics?
Well, we’ve talked about self-esteem and self-confidence, today we are going to dive deeper into our discussion with self-care while living with a narcissist whether its a romantic lover, a parent, sibling or coworker.
Living with someone with NPD or narcissistic traits can be a nightmare.
But you can win by not just surviving. More important, we tell you how to thrive.
Let us define some terms for you:
Self-care from "VeryWell Health. com:
Self-care is the practice of taking care of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life to promote health and wellness. (Source)
It is doing things that benefit you in a healthy manner. Examples include, diet, exercise, mediation, prayer or religious practices, medical checkups, relaxation and more. Self-care is doing things that you need to live a well-rounded life.
We will talk more about this is another newsletter tied to self-love, self-worth and self-doubt.
Taking care of yourself is the best way you can prepare for marriage because you are whole before you become one flesh with another.
Narcissism from the Mayo Clinic:
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence, they are not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism. (Source)
This is a medical personality disorder by a trained professional. However, because of the nature of this particular disorder, the grandiose sense of selves, many people don’t get the help they need. Additionally, people can exhibit many of the traits but not get a formal diagnosis.
Popular opinion would tell you just to cut people off with NPD but sometimes that isn’t possible when you may have to coparent with one, work with one or one maybe related to you like a parent, sibling or adult child.
Having a relationship with a narcissist is only safe when you know what they are capable of and how to respond. Most times though, if narcisstic abuse or any other harmful things persist, you should find a way to break it off fully and leave.
If you or someone you know are in a mental health crisis the national hotline number is 988. defines thriving as “…grow and develop well and vigorously.” Some of the synonyms are prosper and to flourish. It is more than just living. It is going as high as you can as best you can.
Why is this definition important? People who live with narcissists just try to survive, one day without arguments, a day without steeping on eggshells, having a life of peace.
That looks like hell. You are dreading their name popping up or your phone, worried about the words you choose or evening your comings and goings.
That is not thriving. That is barely surviving. And, dear lady, you should not live like that. Your life is more than barely getting by. Why survive when you can thrive?
Thriving vs Surviving
Living with a narcissist can be draining up to dangerous. It can give your worry, anxiety and fear. It can be a guessing game from moment to moment. It can be abusive and chaotic. There is no peace in that.
The Bible is filled with the importance of thriving. Psalm 92:12 promises, “The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree.” In Proverbs 11:28 we read, “The righteous will thrive like a green leaf. Bible Verses to Help You Thrive - Guideposts
God did not create you dear woman to barely make it or to be under someone difficult. Men are called to provide and protect. Fathers are to be the glue that hold their homes together. Mothers are nurtures, siblings are our first friends. Our friends are to care for us.
This life with a narcissist can be troubling and disempowering, the opposite of what God promises for your life.
“He who cherishes understanding prospers” (Proverbs19:8).
You can prosper once you understand what is going on with this person and people, in your life. You can then understand how you choose to interact with them putting your well-being first and having an honest relationship with them as they are not who you wish them to be.
Listen to this Video; “Moving from Victim to Survivor to Thriver.”
Ramani Durvasula PhD is a medically training psychologist that works in the field of recovery from narcisstic relationships and has a book titled “It’s Not You: Identifying and Healing from Narcissistic people”.
She has turned her information into her YouTube series, and she has more videos that can help you understand this deeper if you want to check it out.
Let’s hear her discuss how you can be win in these types of relationships and be on the road to recovery.
This video is an important one. Go thrive and be Iconic.
Key Pointers:
“A Victim doesn’t have a full grasp of what’s happening to them.”
“My goal is that they walk out with shiny new tools.'“
“I don’t feel powerless.”
“The journey shouldn’t end at survivorship. There is 1 more place you can go.”
Don’t Give Up.
Sentiment about marriage is down across the country. I say, we can change that.
Marriage is a life hack when done right with the right person.
Something can be done about marriage views, winning for families, reshaping, rebuilding and restoring our institution today, when you give.
Support our Iconic work and our most recent campaign for our next book the Iconic Formula for Marriage Success and/or our 1st campaign event to give away copies of our book “Don’t Give Up” to locals in Atlanta GA.
Why this way specifically? Because it allows us online and offline access to where our help can be used the most.
Many of our cities get left out of the help in the social and political space.
Many have given up on the people in urban America.
Progressivism’s destruction has left American citizens with death, poverty and destruction to clean up for a feckless government that does this by overregulation, taxation and fees.
How specifically? We are partnering with the Conscious Conservative Movement who is informing parents about homeschooling, something we also did in our online series, and we are ready to do work at the local level where politics matters by giving out 3,000+ copies of this exact 6th book to the communities for free with your donations.
Join in with your support as a donation of $25 or more, get rewards. Click below.