The Role of Wives/Mothers: 7 Reasons Why You Matter Now More than Ever
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The Role of Wives/Mothers: 7 Reasons Why You Matter Now More than Ever
We are starting with the beginning. How has American culture come to believe what it does about modern womanism and our roles in our families/marriages?
The role of the matriarch of the family is very important. That is why we have to have arguments boiled down to the most juvenile and even have to define what a woman is or is not like we are five.
However, today's language makes motherhood and being a wife seem criminal and it is sad. If more women knew the real power dominating in their feminine power as God has designed her, more homes would win.
As Satan confused Eve in the garden to the detriment of her marriage, many women believe a whole host of lies about womanhood, marriage, business and love. And it is not our fault.
It was a meticulous plan by our leaders to depopulate the Earth and create a permeant labor force.
See Paul Erlich’s book “Population Bomb” or this YouTube Clip:
We have been so conditioned as a modern woman, that we believe that being "independent" is some prize.
And in this belief, the numbers within communities- for falling so long for the lies- bare out problems with the destabilization of intact homes.
Don’t worry, we have tackled the role of men and fathers before in other Iconic Articles.
We are not placing blame at only women or at all women. We are not here for that.
However, there is a modern culture borne out of 3rd and 4th wave feminism that we need to look at for clues to reverse engineer our solutions.
7 Reasons Why You Matter Now More than Ever
There is nothing wrong with a woman who chooses a career, goes without kids and wants a single life. I have said before marriage is not for everyone. For those who wish to marry, there is a way to have the marriage of your dreams. We just need to cut through the lies.
Reason #1 Women are Resilient.
Humans are resilient including women. Things go awry and we adjust. Many wives and mothers do not make excuses for what is going wrong, instead we step up to fix it. If a man feels like his role is being stepped on, it is only because a woman is not confident in HER man. Men who do what they need to need not worry about a woman doing this to them if they did the work BEFORE the marriage. Women who trust their man will go through anything with them including having kids, fighting wars and more.
Born A Survivor
Icon Maddie knows a thing or two about being resilient.
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She has a story to share and wants to be a voice to her Native community as well as women like her.
She was “Born a Survivor” and so were you. Pre-order the eBook today and get on the waiting list.
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Reason #2: Many want to be Wifes/Mothers
Most weren't even born when the idea to depopulate and have smaller American families was thought of. I was not even born. Paul Erlich’s comments were made in 1968. The ideas of depopulation were not organic, they were planned and disseminated into communities that now feel personal.
There are still women who see themselves as wives and mothers despite what modern society would lead us to believe.
Some just don’t know how to go about it. Some only get told the bad because those of us having it good are too busy and often more reserved.
Many are still trained as little girls to have families, and to love them to the best of our abilities. Despite what society may show, many are still out here that want to settle down.
Men need to find these women. And when he finds a wife, it’s a good thing.
Women who say, “They don’t need a man”, let them. We need you who want to do it to do it because as families grow, the nation grows.
We don’t want those who feel forced into it. That is how we get the dysfunction and the breakdowns.
Instead, let those who say no, say that and keep it moving.
Those of us who build, let us get to it.
Reason #3: To fight Government Division.
Married and marriage minded women see men as partners not enemies.
There is this conservative misconception that NOW marriages, families and children are under attack. This "attack" is not new. And now with over 50 years of data (I am 37 for reference), we have the research that the ideas were bad. They are just finishing what they started.
Where the gap happens is that it was not organic for men and women to be fighting over gender roles, children rearing or coupling. This was planned.
Knowing this wives and mothers who marry fight back against the notion that the genders hate each other. When we link up and build Iconic marriages, we prove the lies to be false and we fix where we are ourselves.
The problem is that many want government, the one that has helped create the mess, to save us. Accordingly, we miss the interplay between the political, social and economic spaces that keeps us fighting each other.
When mothers step into their graces as the matriarch, we can nurture our girls and boys to be confident in themselves and work together.
Reason #5: We place power back in our Social Spheres
That interplay between government and our social problems is where we dropped the ball. The social aspect needs support beams.
When mothers support their husbands and children, they take the power back in their own four walls. They then can help shape families that press for better communities, root our gov’t corruption in many areas and demand change.
When mothers are passionate, they create businesses (Like Iconic Media) and more because when their family is threatened, they are ready.
Family is our first government. We learn authority, security and respect. Without intact families, brokenness manifests in many ways. When women take charge in our roles as wives and mothers, we put a stop to the nonsense.
Reason #6: We are the Help Meet
Without the union between men and women, we have seen the failures grow.
I am sure those in the 70s distracted by the economic woes, the continued civil rights issues and war couples had so much on their plate that the plans of people like Paul Erlich went unnoticed.
His ideas probably even seemed good intended. Now though, we know the results though.
Again, to the determent of our communities, women were targets. And not because women are weaker than men or any such thing. But because of our roles and wives/mothers and the importance of such a duty. It had to look like women chose independence over their interdependence with men and not it was directly planned by those with political access and power.
Women are created to help men. We are a team. What better way to insert lower birth rates than to push men and women apart. That tell you how important women are for a complete marriage union.
Reason #7: We do not need to choose
The crossroads of traditionalism and modernism were put before women and girls as some sort of either or and because it was sneakily successful.
With 3rd and 4th wave feminism, women shifted the focus and changed views on many areas viewing anything that was "old-school" as lesser than and working outside the home as the new goal.
But the Bible tells us something else. A Proverbs 31 woman is industrious. There is nothing masculine about working. It is what that work looks like and how we present that to our husband within our duties as wives/mothers.
She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar. She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family.
Traditionalism means women stay home and the men work outside the home to make money for the family. That is an option many make work.
Unbeknownst to the feminist who loath this set up, stay at home mothers do work A LOT. It is just that the work helps the husband earn money. This work goes unpaid. And it is work that many can buy others to do.
But! IF a mother works outside the home or builds a business where she can work from home, that does not make her masculine or wrong. To the contrary.
Either outside or inside the home, women have worked since Eve. Work and women are not antithesis to each other or masculine.
Proverbs 31 NIV - Sayings of King Lemuel - The sayings of - Bible Gateway :
She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. 17 She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. 18 She sees that her trading is profitable.
Women do not need to choose but to prioritize. You can have it all. WITH doing the work.
Iconic marriages are work, from both partners.
Key Points
Western society making women feel like something is wrong with being a wife/mother and have to battle that out with working is a trick of the enemy (Satan-the father of lies). A woman can be all those and more.
The question is: what does that look like in union with HER man?
If we begin again to see that the union of man and woman/husband and wife is one of togetherness and not competition, you will see the modern media fighting between the genders is intentional to keep us at war.
And it does not have to be that way.
Society, the media and modern culture made women have to choose in order to keep our population low. And that has been a lie.
When done with the support and leadership of her husband, there does not need to be a choice. For the work is toward a common goal, to build.
Once you and your mate are building, you begin to see what is in the way of what you are building, and the jig is up on the elite's game.
But if we are the ones distracted by a faux gender war that was purposeful, how can we win?
We win when women understand the whole plot against us, our families, our men and what we can build by then rejecting the lies.
You can work or not outside the home. You can stay single, be married or have children, not have children.
You get to decide, not some elitest experts or a group for of women who only wrap themselves up in reproduction platitudes and progressivism’s notions of what being a strong female is.
It is about priorities.
You mattes now more than ever! We need more wives/mothers to be in their roles and doing the work to empower and create wholesome healthy homes.
Only then will you be uplifted.
And that is Iconic.
Iconic Fundraising Campaign
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To accomplish these goals, I must first receive the training necessary to build the infrastructure. Cost for my online business development is $15,000 (or $288/week) and will occur over a 12-month time period.
I’ve currently been accepted into Coach Felecia Killings’s award-winning online coaching program called My Beloved Women’s Online Business and Virtual Ministry School. And each week, she provides me the tools I need to create the system of operations, so I manifest my God-given vision.
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