Trad Con vs Rad Fem Fight: 5 Iconic Suggestions on how to Avoid the Insanity and Protect Your Peace
Iconic Media is the Number 1 Hub for Marriage Success and Empowerment
Good Wednesday, Icons,
I pray that you are working successfully towards your May 2023 goals, only you can get yourself where you need to be.
We are talking about ways that help you have and Iconic marriage and win.
That means looking at current discussion topics and diving into what is going on with tools and tips to help you build a successful social empire and keep your sanity.
Remember that Iconic is a community and we need your participation to help one another and to spread our content.
Please share your thoughts and this post with others.
We need to work together, to build a network of positive relationship content to show people what is possible in today’s world.
Trad Con vs Rad Fem Fight: 5 Iconic Suggestions on how to Avoid the Insanity and Protect Your Peace
I stand looking at some marriage content for all of you to help us build.
And I see two schools of thought that are on opposite ends fighting on social media:
Traditional conservatism and Radical Feminism.
And personally, I want part of neither of these.
And here’s why. Both are extreme movements in trying to reconcile women’s role in the modern age and in their households.
One want women to be on part with the men and to become even the heads of their relationship.
The other wants women to be subservient second-class citizens that placate to every whim of the husband, right or wrong.
Now, are all trad cons bad? No.
But the radical feminist isn’t also totally wrong!
Women can work as seen in the examples set by the Proverbs 31 Biblical scriptures.
13 She selects wool and flax
and works with eager hands.
14 She is like the merchant ships,
bringing her food from afar.
15 She gets up while it is still night;
she provides food for her family
and portions for her female servants.
16 She considers a field and buys it;
out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
Women can be in the field even because that is where Ruth was when Boaz saw her in Ruth Chapter 2.
2 And Ruth the Moabite said to Naomi, “Let me go to the fields and pick up the leftover grain behind anyone in whose eyes I find favor.”
Naomi said to her, “Go ahead, my daughter.” 3 So she went out, entered a field and began to glean behind the harvesters. As it turned out, she was working in a field belonging to Boaz, who was from the clan of Elimelek.
And yet, that does not mean God called us to be the heads of our households (meaning the husband set the pace, the vision, the direction of his family) or that we take over completely leaving men out.
I believe both of these movements are trying to be on the opposite ends of the spectrum.
While I deeply believe there are people well intended on both sides, the toxicity coming from some that oozing as clout chasing or a popularity contest is duly noted.
Here are 5 of our suggestions to deal with the insanity and protect your own peace, mental health:
Suggestion #1: Look for Balanced Content
While some people will have audiences specific to one gender or the other, look for how they talk to each of these groups. If one person is often talking about how terrible one or the other is, look for how they speak about other groups.
See if they balance criticisms with praise. Do they offer tangible solutions for the problems or issues they bring up? Do they talk about how to make marriage work in a realistic way?
Even companies like Forbes know to have a successful workforce companies must Balance criticism with praise.
Skewing too much to one side of this equation can leave employees confused by their leader’s overly positive or negative focus and unable to improve their performance in meaningful ways. Balancing Criticism And Praise: 13 Tips For Company Leaders (
Real leaders balance their words, actions and information.
That is also true for families, children, pets and any being you want to motivate into greatness.
Suggestion #2: Watch out for Red flags
Any red flags should send up alarm bells that content is not healthy. If a person is joking about domestic violence, laughing about mistreating their spouse or encouraging others not to even try, those should be red flags to you that their relationship content is not healthy.
People who want you to win would not give you advice to tolerate dangerous situations, to appease your ego over what is right and is not afraid to hold anyone to account.
Anyone who bastardizes religious content, social movements or even politics to push you into fear about your own future or ability to have a happy relationship, you need to run.
Consistently negative content can usually be a sign that it comes from an unhealed individual.
An example of this is what happen when people pushed back on a female therapist who wish to disrespect her Black male clients. I won’t get into who she is or all the details, let us just fast forward to say she is now in her own mental health crisis and her actions led many to believe that she was actually the one that needed healing.
Breaking Fear
Many people use fear to scare you into a good marriage.
People who fearmonger cannot teach you how to be happily married because fear has no place in a happy relationship.
I write about how fear almost killed me in my book “Breaking Fear”
And now I teach you how to do 5 core lessons how to break fear and win from my experience.
Fear controls us and is the thief of joy. It stops us from fighting and winning. Don’t let it win in your life. Get a book today with a PAID subscription.
Suggestion #3: Look into the Content Creators Background
Anyone with a mic and a phone can be a creator today. Most people are looking for ways to make a second income due to our economy and the virtual marketplaces is a trillion-dollar industry.
There are monetary incentives to create content. It is your job to do the work to look at what a creator has done or who they are if you suspect their content maybe leading others astray.
Things to check for: Education, work experience, marriage status and book content.
These things can give you clues into their mindset. Also watch, read or consume someone’s content to get a better feel for what they put out, try not to judge on just one Tweet or one screen caption.
If they are in the business for a while, see if they have evolved past terrible talk or do they double down when challenged. People aren’t perfect and experience/learning can change someone’s perspectives.
Suggestion #4: Read Scriptures for Yourself
A lot of people love to quote Ephesians 5: 22 about women submitting to their husbands skipping right over
21:” Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”
Some trad cons with then stop at 22 making millions of pieces of content around this one verse pretending this will solve ALL the problems in marriages.
We at Iconic address submission for wives in another piece.
But the rest of the same chapter talks about both the husbands and the wives responsibilities to their wives.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing[b] her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”[c] 32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
The bible in Titus 2:4 instructs older women to teach younger ones HOW to be wives. Have we been doing that?
Read the different bible accounts. Watch how Jesus interacted with the woman at the well or the prostitute about to be stones. Read about how great men lead and how some feel.
Read about how women did do things in the Bible, about Deborah the Judge or Jael.
Don’t take anyone’s word on face value about the Word. Go study. Go learn. Even go to school if need be.
Suggestion #5: Talk to a variety of Marriage Experts, Coaches, Elders and more.
Iconic will give you the resources you need to win. That means reaching out to other pastors, minters, coaches and experts in the field of healthy marriages and families in order for you to win.
But don’t just take our word for it.
There are many people in this area helping millions of people do the work to win at life, love, marriage and family.
When you gather research data from multiple source and couple that with qualitative data, personal stories, you can make an accurate assessment of a demographic.
This means that you can actually put the puzzle pieces together from a variety of resources to see what matches.
This helps you decipher what can work for you and what is nonsense. The more educated you become the more the insanity is obvious and easier to ignore.
They say not to hate the player but to hate the game. You can’t hate a game that you don’t know is being played.
So do your own research, connect with many different people and join our Iconic community with your questions and concerns so we can grow alongside one another together.
Key Points
Marriage is a life hack, and many people know it.
But many don’t know how to make it work, so there are groups doing what they think are necessary to put out content for you to win.
But some of the content is unhealthy.
It is your responsibility to navigate what is out there in this digital world because it is vast.
Do so diligently while protecting your privacy and peace.
Iconic Media is the Number One Hub for Marriage Success and Empowerment, so we are here to help you succeed.
Go out there and be safe. And remember, in everything you do, Be Iconic.
The Iconic Formula for Marriage Success: Our new Digital eCourse
Iconic Media Presents our new course, “The Iconic Formula for Marriage Success” hosted by Nicole Pinkston aka Mrs. Pinky.
This 30-day online course will teach you and your spouse 12 foundational principles to help you map a 25-year success plan for your marriage.
Core lessons include:
How to Cultivate the Mindset for a Successful Marriage
How to Develop the Mental Fortitude to Combat Marriage Challenges
How to Develop Your Marriage’s Vision and Mission Plan
How to Practice Self-Love So You Know How Best to Love Your Spouse
How to Develop a Financial Plan for Your Social Empire’s Success
How to Develop Effective Communication Strategies Based on Your Spouse’s Preferred Methods and more!
At the end of this empowering course, you will receive:
A master blueprint for success in your marriage
An online support network to collaborate with other couples.
And an exclusive invitation to join Iconic’s 12-month marriage coaching program.
This new course is in beta stage, and this will be the first launch.
As such, you have the opportunity to take full advantage of being among the first group to test this course and to receive lifetime access to its current and updated material.
The final course price will be $300.
Premium Course Rate: Register at the button right now for $100 and start when we launch.
Here’s how to get started:
Click the button and pay $100 or more towards Iconic today.
I, Nicole Pinkston, will send you a follow-up email with instructions.
On June 1, 2023, you will receive full access to the online course inside Iconic Media sponsored by
You will be sent “Iconic” the eBook for your pre-registration needed for the course.
News: If you have a community group, church, youth organization or more that maybe interested in a collaboration and discount for the new marriage e-Course, tell them about us here at Iconic Media.
They can reach out to me at: to setup group training events and get discounts through my affiliate program.