Unleashing Your Self-Esteem: Strategies for Your Best Self
Day 3 of our Iconic Women's Empowerment Series
Good morning, Icons,
We hope that you are reaching your goals in 2024 for your life, love, marriage and family.
We are back with another post for our Women’s Empowerment Series.
We hope that you are enjoying what we’ve presented so far.
If you have not caught our Podcast Episodes make sure you upgrade your account today by signing up for Iconic Premium to get the latest dropping very Saturday at 9am.
Unleashing Your Self-Esteem: Strategies for Your Best Self
With so much going on in the world, we have been swarmed with societal expectations on who we are as women and what that means.
Whether from school, church, family or politics, women are always given direction on how we should be and what to do with ourselves.
This empowerment series is about you. Before you can even get to the purpose in your life and whether or not you want to be a wife and mother, we must first dig deep into who we are as women and as individuals.
Being insecure in ourselves block our blessings in life, love, marriage and family. Simply put, we can’t be something for someone else before we can be that person for ourselves.
Toxicity exists in that realm of not being secure in who or what we are.
This is why we now get propagandized with feminism and with girl magic, princess movies and boss babe stuff. Society is trying to self-correct and market things to women and girls because of the vast growth in lower self-esteem running rampant.
Society did play a huge rule in that, but that’s another topic for another newsletter.
Importantly, what you think, what you do and how you feel about yourself matters and we are going to help you become the woman, wife, mother and whomever your God-given call is to be while being Iconic.
Today, I want you to decide to block out the loud noises that tell you differently and decide you are going to be your best self.
It won’t be easy and being Iconic never is.
Don’t Give UP: Our Iconic Campaign Work
On January 27, Iconic Media is partnering with the Conscious Conservative Movement to you our offline work.
We are giving 25 print copies out to locals in the Atlanta, GA area at our Black Homeschooling Event to empower local parents in homeschooling and in marriage.
The key to a successful and healthy relationship is to not give up. And we want to share that with locals immediately, getting the prints out will take time.
And we need you.
Support our Iconic Outreach Campaign today and get a copy of our 4th eBook as a reward.
We are showing up to do more offline to empower households nationwide.
To give, click on the link below and don’t forget your reward.
Ways to Strengthen Your Self-Esteem and building that Self-Confidence You need to Win
Yes, the Bible can lead and direct you. You can pray to God to guide your path. You can ask you parents, siblings and spouse why they love you.
However, your self-esteem comes from inside of you and you have to decided how you feel about you.
You talk well about yourself, you value self-care, you can be happy alone in your own presence. You know your worth regardless of what others say about you.
You are woefully and wonderfully made. It is up to you to believe that.
What you believe about yourself if your own self-esteem. A normal healthy self-esteem is realistic and can help you see your own value.
When you know your own value, you don’t modify it by others ability to see it or not.
It isn’t a grandiose realization that gets out of hand into an inflated ego or narcissism, but that you are valuable just for existing and what you do with that value is up to you.
What Strategies People Who Unleash their Self-Esteem Positively Do:
They Set Boundaries: They know what they want, who they want in their lives and how to say no. People who are secure in themselves make decisive choices and own up to their mistakes. They are good leaders and followers because they know their own limits and how to challenge themselves without going too far.
They Don’t Attention Seek: People like this don’t need others for validation. They don’t do wild and crazy things just for the dopamine hit and the excitement of others. They don’t embarrass themselves publicly for all eyes on them and everything they do is for a greater vision/purpose. It isn’t that they don’t perform or entertain but that it is usually not just for selfish needs.
They Forgive Themselves: We know that we are only human. People with healthy self-esteems don’t stay stuck in past mistakes intentional or not. They don’t stay in a stuck state of human development but always move to better their own intellect, health, career, relationships, etc. They forgive themselves for who they were or what they did by apologizing sincerely and learning the lessons that needed to be learned.
Managing your own self-esteem is imperative in a world where you don’t really matter. It is about getting your money, your sex, or anything else it can from you.
It is not to say the world is all bad for women and girls. Things could always be better.
Our history is specifically harsh with us regulated to second-class citizenship, often victims of sexual exploitation, human trafficking and in many parts of the world, denied education and basic human rights.
It isn’t a pretty picture out here.
But to fight for our right to exist, to be loved for who we are and not only what we can do, to be respected, to take charge, to lead our families and more, it first starts with us.
It starts in us.
From our internal view, and then we become confident enough to spread that inner love to others. We speak well and truthfully of fellow sisters, we revere our elders, and we grab the young up in our positive.
We don’t need men to validate us but because we aren’t toxic, we don’t tear them down either. We are able to see who a good man is and/or person is regardless of what others do or have done to us.
Well managed self-esteem is beneficial to the world and to us.
Fact: I didn’t always have high self-esteem or manage the way I viewed me correctly.
It didn’t come without work, hardships and learning the lessons life threw my way.
I also didn’t do it alone. I had my husband, my family, mentors, leaders, and my coach teaching me what loving myself correctly looks like. It is daily work. I need these lessons that I right for you all, too.
That is why I have developed Iconic Media.
Our Vision is to empower men and women to build social empires that thrive.
For we need a space for people to be better, do better and to build.
Share this Iconic Women’s Empowerment Series with the women in your life. Let them know how much they mean to you and that they, too, can have the strength to be her best self.
We need her God-given call today. We know she can do it.
Giving Tuesday: Get the 1 on 1 Coaching Your Need to Be Your Best Self with our Iconic Coaching Program
We are now accepting 10 new clients for coaching in life, love, marriage and family.
Some topics include but aren’t limited to:
Are you unsure how to start homeschooling?
Are you wanting to figure out communication issues in your marriage?
Do you need help in family planning?
Get personalized help, below.
The Iconic Media Coaching Branch has openings for 1-hour consultations for you and/or your spouse at $100.
Payment is required during scheduling.
Space is limited.
If you are interested, please click the button below and schedule your consultation.