Yes!! I was just telling my brother who can be a little misogynistic at times, that women traveled with Jesus and the 12. I’m not exactly certain what they did for the men but I gotta believe they kept them fed, clothed, and focused.
Controlling the food supply must be kind of a big deal otherwise the globalists wouldn’t be trying so hard to buy up farms.
“Wives submit to your husbands as to the Lord, because the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. He is the Savior of the body. Now, as the church submits to Christ, so also wives are to submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her to make her holy, cleansing her with the washing of water by the word. He did this to present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or anything like that, but holy and blameless. In the same way, husbands are to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hates his own flesh but provides and cares for it, just as Christ does for the church.” - Ephesians 5 22-29
All I can say is I’m glad I’m the woman! Jesus died for the church! Husbands...that’s some heavy submitting on your part!
Mutual submission out of love for one another but first, because of love for Jesus.
I wrote something on wordpad because I am unsure if these comments have character limits. Let me try and paste it all...
Sorry for the novel...
First and foremost, I love questions.
I was drawn to this piece by an apparant alternate view on submission.
I also love alternate views.
Basically, anything that causes me to look at something in a way I hadn't prior. There are many things in our lives we take for granted and don't think to question.
This causes a gap between our perception of these concepts and an actual understanding of them.
For instance, what is good? Not the word, but the concept itself. The entirety of it. We know whether a person is good or not, though we may not always be able to say exactly why. We know whether an action is good or not, but what exactly makes an action good? Are there set standards? Who set them?
And that brings me to submission. To submit SOMEONE, it is generally viewed as forcing upon another. Or, conversely, an acquiesence TO force.
But, of course, that isn't all submission is.
AND, Biblically speaking, that definition wasn't the intent.
One thing that's difficult about being a modern day Christian is figuring out what was lost to time and translation and what is accurate. This never occurred to me until I started learning Japanese, interestingly enough.
As it turns out, there are not many things that translate directly. And so in reference to the Bible, many things are up to question in some translations. What appears to be most accurate are ones that have been translated in the Jewish tradition, which makes sense.
I got lost in a tangent, I'm sorry.
Basically, when attempting to be a "good Christian", we can be UNINTENTIONALLY misled and I am more aware of that now than I was just a year ago.
The Bible has, throughout history, been used in a very anti-Christian manner.
So a piece about understanding a specific portion of it as IT WAS INTENDED will always be held in high regard for me.
I think I answered the inquiry? My mind wanders at times.
And the boy is asking me questions as I type this, so slightly distracted.
Yes!! I was just telling my brother who can be a little misogynistic at times, that women traveled with Jesus and the 12. I’m not exactly certain what they did for the men but I gotta believe they kept them fed, clothed, and focused.
Controlling the food supply must be kind of a big deal otherwise the globalists wouldn’t be trying so hard to buy up farms.
“Wives submit to your husbands as to the Lord, because the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. He is the Savior of the body. Now, as the church submits to Christ, so also wives are to submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her to make her holy, cleansing her with the washing of water by the word. He did this to present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or anything like that, but holy and blameless. In the same way, husbands are to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hates his own flesh but provides and cares for it, just as Christ does for the church.” - Ephesians 5 22-29
All I can say is I’m glad I’m the woman! Jesus died for the church! Husbands...that’s some heavy submitting on your part!
Mutual submission out of love for one another but first, because of love for Jesus.
I’m still working on it 😉!
Yes, men have a tall order.
But when we work together we can win.
This was a masterpiece.
Thank you.
No thank you! I appreciate it.
Can you tell me which part did you find most helpful?
The question of submission!
I wrote something on wordpad because I am unsure if these comments have character limits. Let me try and paste it all...
Sorry for the novel...
First and foremost, I love questions.
I was drawn to this piece by an apparant alternate view on submission.
I also love alternate views.
Basically, anything that causes me to look at something in a way I hadn't prior. There are many things in our lives we take for granted and don't think to question.
This causes a gap between our perception of these concepts and an actual understanding of them.
For instance, what is good? Not the word, but the concept itself. The entirety of it. We know whether a person is good or not, though we may not always be able to say exactly why. We know whether an action is good or not, but what exactly makes an action good? Are there set standards? Who set them?
And that brings me to submission. To submit SOMEONE, it is generally viewed as forcing upon another. Or, conversely, an acquiesence TO force.
But, of course, that isn't all submission is.
AND, Biblically speaking, that definition wasn't the intent.
One thing that's difficult about being a modern day Christian is figuring out what was lost to time and translation and what is accurate. This never occurred to me until I started learning Japanese, interestingly enough.
As it turns out, there are not many things that translate directly. And so in reference to the Bible, many things are up to question in some translations. What appears to be most accurate are ones that have been translated in the Jewish tradition, which makes sense.
I got lost in a tangent, I'm sorry.
Basically, when attempting to be a "good Christian", we can be UNINTENTIONALLY misled and I am more aware of that now than I was just a year ago.
The Bible has, throughout history, been used in a very anti-Christian manner.
So a piece about understanding a specific portion of it as IT WAS INTENDED will always be held in high regard for me.
I think I answered the inquiry? My mind wanders at times.
And the boy is asking me questions as I type this, so slightly distracted.
I got kids so I understand.
We are always asking questions to expand conversations to help couples win.
It hindsight we can always judge our ancestors but we want couples to know they are a team.
Iconic Media will always post new information, like the marriage data shift as we find it. For more ways to comment you can always use the chat.
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